Chapter 6- Love is in the Air

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A bit of Saisy 


Enjoy <3 

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It was Febuary 14, Valentines Day, on where love was in the air 

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Hailey woke up on her bed, not remembering the nightmare she had the day before 

She got up and changed into more formal clothes 

As she got out of her room, Zander was standing infront of her door, smiling 

He never smiled eversince forever 

"Good Morning! So, me and Luke decided we were gonna hang! Whatcha say?" Said Zander in a very exited tone 

A tone he had never used exept for his birthdays 

It was very unusual for him to act this way 

"Z-zan...why not? It's a Saturday anyway" Hailey replied, hiding the exitement in her tone 

She wanted to go out more eversince she went to the village 

She got changed into her usual clothing, but added the scarf that Jake had given her 

Jake had been her friend for a while and their friendship started with a simple scarf 

They both loved singing, and would sometimes sing together in the stream 

And they both hang out often 

But, she sees him as more than a friend, but refuses her feelings 

But it has been quite obvious, it made Jake find out too easily and would tease her for it 

Jake feels the same way about her, and tries to show his affection by flirting with her, which she sees as a joke 

His friends and hers keep urging them to be together, but they refused saying that they're just friends (Adrien??? That u???) 

But they knew damn well they see eachother more than that 

Well, they think of it that way 

• - | | - • 

Jake invited his friends to come with him to hang out with them, on where they agree on 

Which is kinda good, but also bad since they know Jake likes Hailey 

"Milly! Look! The cherry blossoms are falling! How wonderful!" Exclaimed Elliot 

"It truly is! Look at that beauty..." admired Milly while holding his hand 

Without warning, he kissed her under the tree 

They had bern dating for about 2 years without breaking up with eachother 

"Get a room you two!" Yelled Sean in a joking manner 

"Yeah! Don't just make-out in public! It's disgusting!" Scolded Daisy 

Jake and Hailey just laughed it off while Zander and Luke watched in disgust 

"Eww...don't just make out in public, there's children!" Muttered Zander as Luke nodded in agreement 

"Mhm" agreed Luke as he held his lover's hand, which made him blush 

"Aww!" Teased Hailey 

"S-SHUT UP!!" Yelled Zander embarrassed as Hailey laughed at him 

The Royal and The Rebel | Jailey Royalty AU 👑Where stories live. Discover now