Chapter 5- Daddy Issues

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- Angst  

• - | | - •  

"Daddy, is mommy okay?" Asked a 6 year old Hailey 

"Yes, dearest, she's still alright" responded a sympathetic Drew  

"I-is she?" She asked again 

But this time, he stayed silent, crying  

She told her about death and whatnot, and she cried with him at her funeral  

Hailey stayed in her room for weeks because of her mother's devastating death  

The servants and her siblings tried to get her out at that period, but she didn't budge  

She was still crying and mourning in her room 

She blames herself for everything that had happened  

If she didn't go there, she would still be... 


She was so stupid... 

Stupid to not obey her mother  

Stupid enough to go to a forbidden place 

She stayed there for 3 full months, before she decided to get over it 

But she just couldn't  

Her mother was so caring for her... 

Why should her mother have to go?  

Why can't she go instead?  

• - | | - • 

"Daddy! Daddy! Look what I-" cheered a 8 year old Hailey 

"Can't you see I'm busy?! Show that to your siblings or something!" Yelled Drew 

Hailey couldn't believe what he'd said  

She couldn't believe he'd changed  

But he did  

Just because of his wife's death  

She still hasn't forgotten that very moment 

She went back to sulking in her room, crying and weeping with only Zander to care for her since Lia was still hanging out with those jerk friends of hers 

Zander was the only person to care for her when Lia and Drew didn't 

"'s okay..." spoke Zander while hugging his dearest sister  "What happened?"  

"I-I-It's d-d-daddy...h-he's being m-m-mean a-again..." sobbed Hailey in her brother's arms 

"'re safe with me..." said Zander, trying to comfort his dearest sister 



"W-why did d-daddy c-change?"  

Zander fell silent  

He didn't know what to say 

He didn't want to mention death, because he knew she was scared of it 

He also didn't want to mention their mother, who had passed a few years ago 

"Well, dearest, he has uhm...mood swings" he invented  

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