Prove It

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They were standing next to each other at their lockers when Tristan spoke to Sierra for the first time. 

"Hey, Sierra. Can I borrow your biology book?" Tristan asked her. 

He'd never spoken to her before...ever. She wasn't even sure how he knew her name.  

"Ummm, yeah. Hold on," she said scrambling to get the book out of her bag. Why the hell did she use this big stupid bag anyway? She could never find anything in it. She probably looked so dumb with her big stupid bag right now. Why did she think this was even cute when she saw it in the store and begged her dad to buy it for her? Stupid, stupid!  

Ok, she got it. 

"Here you go, Tristan," she said handing him the book. 

He smiled and took the book from her, their fingers touching briefly. 

"Thanks. I'll give it back to you later," he told her. 

His eyes were so amazing. They were this incredible green that looked gold in the sun. Sierra felt like she could just look into them forever.  

"Whatever," she replied trying to sound like it didn't matter, even though she knew there was biology homework due tomorrow and she needed her book. It was okay, she'd borrow Tia's book. Tia never did her homework anyway.  

Tristan was standing right in front of her and she had his undivided attention. This was her opportunity to try to talk to him but she had no idea what to say. Her mind was a complete blank. It turns out it didn't matter because Tristan's friends were headed this way to hang out by his locker like they usually did. They were always loud and obnoxious and they gave her dirty looks. It was the only thing she hated about having her locker so close to Tristan's.  

"I guess I'll see you later," Sierra said filled with regret at the lost opportunity to finally talk to Tristan. 

"Thanks for the book, you're a lifesaver." 

They smiled at each other. Sierra had to force herself to stop staring before he realized how obsessed she was. She turned to walk away and bumped right into Reggie. 

"Yo, what up, girl?" he greeted her. 

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me girl? You know I hate that." 

"Alright, how about this? Yo, what up, ma?" 

"Oh, that's so much better," she said with a smile.  

"See, I listen to you." 

"Whatever, stupid," she said and hit him playfully in the arm. 

"Hey, don't be calling me stupid. You know I'm sensitive," he said with his playful smirk. Reggie was never serious. It was nice...when it didn't get on her nerves. But most days she really enjoyed his playfulness. 

"Let me walk you to class...Sierra." 

"Oh, so you do know my name?" 

"You know I know your name, girl." 

Sierra laughed as she chased him down the hallway to their class.


"Hey, Tris. I don't know how you do it," his friend Chris said. 

"Do what?" 

"Sierra is so fucking hot, man. I'd be after those panties." 

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