Chapter 9

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Sierra was at a loss for words. It felt unreal talking to Tristan again and now he was doing and saying things to her that threatened to make her heart melt. She’d always thought Tristan was gorgeous, but today was the first time he seemed… sexy. He looked like the ultimate bad boy with his busted lip, torn clothes, and bruised knuckles. He was the perfect mix of danger with a hint of vulnerability, and all Sierra wanted to do was hold him and take care of him. She wished she could have been there to see the fight. She never thought she’d be into that type of guy, but the idea of Tristan fighting only made her want him more. She knew there was a reason she never liked Chris; he always seemed shady to her. And now she knew for sure that he was a creep. Sleeping with your friend’s girl was a serious violation of the guy code and real friends don’t do that to each other.

 And then there was Jessica. Sierra never really cared for her but she never had a reason to hate her until now. How could she hurt Tristan that way? Why couldn’t she just break up with him if she didn’t want him anymore? He didn’t deserve to be treated that way. And he fought over her. Now he could be suspended or expelled and Jessica wasn’t worth that. Tristan deserved someone that would appreciate him and love him unconditionally. Sierra couldn’t help but hope that with Jessica out of the picture; maybe that person could be her. They had options now. But was she prepared for a relationship with him? Tristan was going to need some major recovery after this thing with Chris and Jessica and Sierra wasn’t sure if she could handle all that. She’d never even had a boyfriend before, how could she handle having a boyfriend with issues like Tristan?

 Wait, what was she thinking? He hasn’t asked her out yet. For all she knew, he may not even be interested. She had so many questions, but now was not the time. He came to her fresh from his fight after finding out that his girlfriend cheated on him with one of his friends; and now he was looking at her with so much trust, like she had all the answers. He even cried in front of her. If she was going to be there for Tristan, then she has to let him tell her what he needs and stop thinking about herself.

 “Mr. Gellar,” a stern voice interrupted.

 They turned toward the direction of the voice and saw the Vice Principal, Mrs. Garrison. Disapproval was written all over her slightly wrinkled face. Her petite form stood in the doorway to the music room.

“Come with me,” she told Tristan. Mrs. Garrison directed her attention toward Sierra. “Miss Foster, I believe the bell for sixth period has rung. Don’t you have class?”

 The bell rang? Sierra hadn’t noticed.

 “Yes, Mrs. Garrison.”

 She didn’t want to leave Tristan, but getting into a fight was a big deal and there was nothing she could do for him even if she stayed. She gathered her things and saw that Tristan had already walked out without saying good bye. She felt a momentary sting from that. Mrs. Garrison began to tap her foot and gave her a pointed look. Sierra hurried past her out of the classroom.


 “Take a seat, Tristan.”

 Tristan sat in one of the empty chairs across from Mrs. Garrison’s desk. He looked to his left and saw that Coach Strahan, his swim coach, was there. Coach regarded him with unsympathetic eyes laced with disappointment. Tristan turned away. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. Any man would have done the same in his position and if Coach couldn’t understand that, then they had nothing to discuss. He heard the door open briefly behind him and someone entered. Tristan’s blood burned as he watched Chris take the seat next to him. His hands formed fists and he willed them to stay put.

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