Chapter 21

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Sierra had the most incredible night of her life last night. Tristan was true to his word. She didn’t feel pressured to go any further than she was ready for. He made her feel comfortable with herself and with what she wanted. Sierra felt foolish for being nervous at all. Tristan stayed with her most of the night and held her while they slept before leaving early the next morning before her father came home. She wanted him to stay, but that wasn’t going to happen especially since she didn’t want her dad to be charged with her boyfriend’s murder. He had kissed her goodbye and was gone before the sun came up. 

That was the last time she saw him. He texted her that he had to meet with his old swim coach and wouldn’t be able to meet her for lunch. He also wasn’t going to stay at her house after school, which was a little painful for her. It hadn’t escaped her notice how unhealthy their codependence was. She missed him so much when he wasn’t around.

“Yo, Sierra, let me borrow your math notes.”

Sierra snapped out of her thoughts and saw Reggie’s smiling face. Back to reality for now.

“I left them in my locker. Walk me?”

“Come on, girl.” He escorted her to her locker.

“So, how are you?” she asked while she searched for her notebook.

“Why you checking up on me?”

Sierra shrugged her shoulders. “Just wondering.”

“I’m good.” Reggie said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Life goes on, right?”

“Yeah, it does,” Sierra agreed. She noted his somber tone but didn’t want to say anything about it. Avoidance had become a major part of their interactions lately.

“Your birthday is coming up soon,” Reggie said changing the subject.

“I know. It’s kinda freaky to think that in just a couple of weeks I’ll officially be an adult.”

“That’s a big deal. You’ll be the last one of the crew to hit the big one eight. You gonna have a party?”

“Umm, no.” Even if her dad was okay with her having a party, it wasn’t what she wanted. She had enough eyes on her already.

He raised a brow. “And Tia’s okay with that?”

“Hell no, Tia wasn’t okay with it. She accused me of ruining her life and threatened to break up with me.”

Reggie laughed. “You guys are crazy.”

“Nope, just Tia. I’m the sane one.”

“So if you’re not having a party, then what are you doing?”

“Oh. Ummm… Tristan and I … have plans,” she managed to get out.

Uncomfortable didn’t begin to describe the mood after she said Tristan’s name. Would there ever come a time where she didn’t feel bad for not choosing Reggie? He was really trying to keep their friendship going and that meant so much. It couldn’t have been easy; she didn’t think she could do what he was doing if the roles were reversed. But she wished they didn’t have to pretend that nothing had changed.

“That’s nice,” he said. “I hope he has something really special planned for you. You deserve it.”

“Thank you, Reggie.”

And she meant it. She handed him the notes.

“Thanks, girl.”


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