Chapter 10

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Tristan rested his head on his pillow with his phone still in his hand. He stared at the ceiling wondering if Sierra was doing the same. He was happy he called. He almost didn’t. He could still hear her voice telling him everything he didn’t know he needed to hear. It was like she had the same effect on him over the phone that she has on him in person. She made him feel like everything was going to be okay as long as he was with her; and that scared the shit out of him. The last thing he wanted was to need someone again. But he couldn’t shake the excitement he felt knowing he would see her tomorrow. Eventually, when fatigue set in, he drifted off to sleep and dreamed of pretty brown eyes and the sweetest smile, all encased in smooth brown skin.


The next day, Tristan didn’t know what to expect, but he was still stunned by how people were acting toward him when he showed up at school. Kids he’d never talked to before were giving him high fives and going out of their way to speak to him. Everyone was talking about the fight, and most people seemed to be on his side. Even Jason. They ran into each other after fourth period.

“Hey, man. Wait up,” Jason called after Tristan. “Are you alright?” he asked, concerned.

“Yeah, I’m cool. Taking it day by day,” Tristan answered and they continued walking together.

“I just wanted you to know that I didn’t know about Chris and Jessica.”

Jason was one of the most loyal and level-headed people Tristan knew. He questioned briefly whether Jason knew about what was going on with Chris and Jessica, but he quickly dismissed the thought.

“No worries. You’ve always had my back. I knew you wouldn’t be a part of that.”

Jason breathed a sigh of relief.

“It sucks because Chris is my friend, too, but I don’t blame you for what happened. It was messed up how this all went down and I don’t support what Chris did.”

“Thanks, bro. I appreciate you telling me that. It’s hard to know who my real friends are anymore.”

“Actually, I think you have more real friends than you think.”

“What are you talking about?”

Jason indicted behind Tristan with his chin. Tristan looked over and a smile spread across his lips. Sierra was heading in their direction. Jason patted Tristan on the shoulder before walking away with a smirk on his face. Tristan waited until she spotted him, before he started toward her.

Tristan took only a few steps before he felt a force shove him from behind that threw him forward into a girl that was passing by. She fell to the floor from the impact, her books littered the ground. Tristan had to maneuver his body out of the way into a nearby locker, so he wouldn’t step or fall on her. Everyone around him stopped moving, taking in what just happened. Tristan made sure that someone was helping the girl who fell before he checked to see what ran into him.

He wasn’t shocked to see Chris standing there looking smug.

“You should pay more attention, you know, maybe watch where you’re going. You never know who you’re going to run into.”

If Chris wasn’t such a loser, Tristan would probably feel sorry for him. He looked like he was recovering from facial plastic surgery. His nose was still bandaged up, and his entire face was swollen and unnaturally red. Why did he come to school today?

“You wait to attack me when my back is turned? Are you ever going to stop being a coward, Chris?”

Chris walked right up to him, their chests touching. Tristan stood his ground eager for Chris to swing on him. He was itching to finish what they started. The other students gathered around to watch.

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