Chapter 19

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Tristan jabbed at the fish on his plate with his fork as his family conversed at the dinner table. Their chatter was a distant murmur as his mind drifted. He reached for his glass and began to swirl the clear liquid around in the cup. The swishing movements reminded him of the pool and made him think of Sierra.

He grinned stupidly to himself as he remembered her face when he swam away from her. She probably thought he was insane leaving her in the deep end when she couldn’t swim but he was following his gut. What she didn’t know that he was just as scared as she was. There were no words to describe what he felt when she disappeared below the water’s surface. It was an emotion beyond fear. His heart was pounding so hard it threatened to punch a hole right through his chest. She trusted him to take care of her and if anything had happened to her … he wouldn’t have been able to deal.

Sierra was a lot tougher and way more determined than she gave herself credit for, but Tristan knew she could do it so he took a chance.  And, luckily, it paid off. She inspired him every minute they spent together. She made him want to swim a million laps just to impress her and have her look at him the way she did today everyday.

Everyday? The word echoed in his mind. It sounded a lot like forever. Was that where they were headed? Did he want her forever?

His mother’s voice tore him from his thoughts.

“… seen your sister. She was phenomenal. Fortunately, your father got it on video.”

He lifted his head from his glass and saw all eyes were on him. They were talking to him? Luckily he caught the tail end of the conversation.

“I’m sorry I missed it, sis. I’ll be there next time, I promise.”

“You better,” Jillian said.

He smiled. “Hmmm,” he answered, his tone distant. His focus was back on the glass in his hand.

He made frequent noncommittal sounds in a weak attempt to remain part of the interaction, but his mind quickly drifted back to the object of his affection. Thinking about Sierra was becoming his default state of mind. He was obsessed. And not being with her felt like torture.

He didn’t get enough time with her. His family came home soon after he righted Sierra’s clothes. Jillian was so happy to see her. She got her clothes wet hugging Sierra before she got a chance to dry off and change. That’s how close they were to getting caught. He shouldn’t have taken the risk, but he was only human.

He wanted to be with her right now but he’d just have to settle for calling her.

“May I be excused?” Tristan blurted out. The table conversation stopped at his outburst.

“You’ve barely eaten anything,” his mother noted.

“I’m not very hungry. I ate with Sierra earlier when I took her home.”

His father gave him a look that was an odd mix of concern and amusement. Tristan saw that look from his father a lot lately, especially at any mention of Sierra. When his father finally gave his permission, Tristan tugged Jillian’s hair playfully before leaving the table and flying up the stairs to his room. He dialed Sierra as soon as he found his phone. She picked up on the second ring.

“Hi,” she answered. Her sweet voice eased his nerves instantly.

“Hi,” he echoed. “How are you?”

“I don’t know. Okay, I guess.”

That wasn’t what he was hoping to hear. “What do you mean?”

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