Chapter 27

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Sierra’s head fell onto the open pages of the textbook on her desk with a soft thud. She’d been at this for hours and the words in her book were beginning to resemble Chinese. But she refused to stop. She lifted her head and got back to it. No time for breaks. If she didn't keep busy even for one second, she'd start missing him. That part of her life needed to be over, so she was going to fill her days with pointless activities until not being with Tristan stopped hurting. 

Studying alone was the most boring thing ever, but it was either this or be a third wheel to Tia and Tony. And she was never making that mistake again. Was it her or did they get a million times more annoyting since her break up? They were already irritating individually, but together, they were unbearable. Tony constantly saying things like "Reggie never would have done that" or "Reggie never would have let it go down like that" was bad enough, without adding in Tia feeling sorry for her. Or worse, trying to convince her that she was overreacting.

Where was the support from her best friend? Even if she was blowing everything out of proportion, Tia should be on her side, like Sierra has always been for her. If the roles were reversed and Tia found out Tony saw his ex behind her back, she would flip out. Tony would have to move Heaven and Earth to make it right. And he would. He’d do anything for Tia.

Sierra sighed. Why couldn’t she have that?

Jealous of your best friend, Sierra?

As much as she wanted to deny it, she was jealous. And she hated herself for feeling that way. Maybe it was best that she was alone. Her bad mood had basically eliminated her social life and she had no one to blame but herself. With the way she’d been acting lately, she wouldn’t want to be around herself either. She was surprised Tia was still talking to her after that stunt she pulled at her locker on Friday.

The doorbell sounded disrupting Sierra’s pity party. She went to the front door and peeked through the peephole. She was grinning before she pulled the front door open.

“Hi, Sierra!” Tristan’s little sister cheered. She threw her small arms around Sierra’s waist. Sierra happily returned the hug.

“Jillian? Hi. What are you doing here?”

“We came to see you,” she said into Sierra’s shirt.

Sierra stiffened. “We?”

The sudden sound of blood pumping in her ears was deafening. Her eyes flew to the tall form walking up her driveway and her traitorous heart leapt. She never knew a guy could be beautiful before Tristan. There was no other way to describe the way she saw him. His handsome face glowed and he strode purposefully to her.

What was Tia talking about? He looked fine. Better than fine. He’d obviously lost no sleep over her. Tristan climbed three of the four steps that lead to her door.

“We weren't sure you’d home,” he said. His voice sent tingles down her spine. Time away from him hadn’t done anything to lessen his affect on her. Every cell in her body jolted with intense awareness of him. Her skin warmed, her lips parted, and memories of them together flooded her mind. She squeezed her hands into fists.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“You missed your lessons last week and when you didn’t show up again today, we decided to see if you were okay.”

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