Chapter 11

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It had been over a month since Tristan broke up with Jessica and he was barely even thought about her. He probably had Sierra to thank for that. But Jessica did not want to let go. She called him every day since that infamous day in the cafeteria where he found out that she was cheating on him. Tristan had no desire to talk to her. What she had to say didn’t matter and it would most likely just piss him off. Maybe one day he’ll be able to talk to Jessica without getting mad and get some closure about what happened, but that time wasn’t now. He needed time away from her. He needed Sierra.

He and Sierra spent lunch together every day, sometimes Tia would hang out with them, too. Tia was a really cool girl. She was fun and she was honest, and Tristan really liked the way she teased Sierra. At first, he couldn’t believe that the smart-mouthed, pretty girl from his English class was Sierra’s best friend. They were nothing alike. But, when they were together it was easy to see how much well they complemented each other. They didn’t take themselves too seriously and that was a welcomed change from what he was used to. He didn’t feel the need to pretend around them. He didn’t have to be the perfect student, the perfect athlete, or the perfect boyfriend. With Sierra, he could just be Tristan.

He didn’t understand why Sierra had such an effect on him. All he knew was that when he was with her was the only time he didn’t want to hurt someone or something. Sometimes he would think about the day they wrestled in the grass at school. Outside of sex, that was most fun he’d ever had with a girl. But he was plagued by questions about why Sierra cared. What did she get out of it? He wished he didn’t have to ask; he wished it didn’t matter, but the truth was, it did. He would always have issues trusting people. He wanted to believe that Sierra was sincere, that she really cared about him. Because he found himself caring about her.

They were studying at his house for the huge Biology test next week. Sierra had planned to do her studying in the library, but since Tristan was grounded, he couldn’t go, so he decided to invite her over. The thought of her being in his space both excited and worried him. There was only one reason Tristan ever brought girls over to his house and it definitely was not to study. So, this was new territory for him. Sierra seemed hesitant about accepting his invitation and it took some convincing and the offer of unlimited snacks and drinks to lighten the mood and she surprised him by accepting. So, now here they were. They set up shop in his living room, figuring the large space would be perfect for cramming. Within 15 minutes, papers and notebooks were scattered all over the floor and Sierra was stretched out on the carpet in front of him reading from the text and making note cards. This was their second session this week and Tristan still hadn’t learned anything. All he did was try not to get caught staring.

As a matter of fact, he was staring at Sierra right now. Rebellious strands of hair had escaped her hair tie were floating carelessly around her face begging for him to smooth them away. One touch was all he wanted. Just one touch to see if she was as soft as she looked and as soon as he knew the answer, maybehe could stop this creepy obsession he had with watching her.

Tristan saw a flash of blonde hair seconds before he watched his little sister climb onto Sierra’s back. Sierra looked over her shoulder and was greeted with a wide grin and a huge wave. She smiled warmly at the little girl, waved back, and then went back to work. His sister stretched her little body out and laid on her stomach with her hands under her head along the length of Sierra’s back.

“Jillian, don’t do that,” Tristan told his sister.

 “She’s fine, Tristan,” Sierra said. “I don’t mind.”

“No, it’s not fine. Get off of her, now.”

“Why? Sierra says it’s okay.”

“Sierra is our guest and she is just being nice. You’re almost nine years old. You should know better,” Tristan scolded.

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