Chapter 29

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Sierra went straight for her locker hoping to see Tristan before the bell rang for first period. She'd stayed up all night planning what to say. She needed to see his face for reassurance that she was doing the right thing. She frowned when she saw he wasn't by their lockers like she expected. Maybe she could catch him at lunch and they can talk then.

Disappointed, she began trading her books when she spotted Reggie heading her way. She couldn't make out his expression. Tia had told her he was still furious at her and she deserved it. After her break up with Tristan, she'd been a jerk to everyone, but she treated Reggie the worst. Now that things had calmed down, she had a lot to answer for. Reggie got closer and Sierra braced herself. He hadn't spoken to her for over a week and she had no idea what to expect. Tia forgave her no problem, but she had a feeling an apology wasn't going to be enough this time.

He walked over and leaned up against the locker next to hers. He didn't seem mad. Maybe he already forgave her?

"Are you back with him?" he asked.

Sierra rolled her eyes. This was what he wanted to talk about? "Hi to you, Reggie" she said and slammed her locker shut.

"Are you," he pushed.

She faced him. "Why do you care?"

"That's a dumb question."

"So is yours."

They stared at each other. Reggie looked away first and shook his head. "Why did I let you string me along for so long."

Sierra's mouth fell open. "I have never strung you along."

He folded his arms. "Yeah okay, Sierra."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


She hated when he did that. He definitely holding back. She knew she should let it go, but his sarcastic tone rubbed her the wrong way. "What did you think was going to happen, Reggie? I would break up with Tristan and run straight to you?"

"Why you gotta say it like that?"

Sierra sensed he was offended and instantly cooled down. He actually thought it would go down that way? She sighed, frustrated. "Why can't you just be my friend?"

He pushed off of the lockers. "Maybe because you're a shitty friend, Sierra," he barked.

She flinched. He ran a calming hand over his head and said, "Sorry." Sierra still seemed shaken. He'd never talked to her like that before. "I shouldn't have raised my voice but it pisses me off how you don't even see how messed up you been to me."

"That's not - "

He raised his hand. "Nah, hear me out. You told me for the longest that your dad wouldn't let you date so I waited for you. Then you turn around and make this clown your boyfriend when you knew I was feeling you. Then you guys break up and I try to be there for you and you scream on me, calling me 'thirsty' in front of everybody. That's the kind of friend you are. Stop treating me like I don't deserve to know where I stand with you. Why couldn't you be straight with me from the start?"

Sierra didn't know what to say. He was right and she felt ashamed. She was a shitty friend. She should have told him about Tristan and how she really felt from the beginning. She was so worried about hurting his feelings; she never considered that what she was doing was actually worse. He had always been there for her and she took that for granted. He didn't deserve that.

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