Chapter 4 Part 2

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Tristan knew Sierra would be here when he scanned the cafeteria and didn’t see her. He was anxious to talk to her about Saturday. At first, he’d thought that she might have missed school, but then something in his head clicked and he was pretty sure he knew where she was.

“Bro, where you going? Our table’s over here,” Jason told Tristan when he saw him walk in the opposite direction of where they usually sat for lunch.

“I just have to take care of something. I’ll be there in a minute.”

As Tristan headed to the music room, he thought about Saturday. He couldn’t explain the disappointment he felt when he realized Sierra hadn’t shown up. He thought for sure she would be there, especially after she assured him she was coming. 

When he walked into the room and saw her sitting in the same spot from Friday, he let out an inaudible breath. He didn’t realize it before, but he was excited to see her. He figured it was probably because he was eager to find out what happened to her on Saturday, but deep down he knew that wasn’t the real reason.

Not only was he lying to himself, but she was lying to him, as well. For some reason, she didn’t want to tell him what was really going on. Didn’t she know she could tell him anything? He thought they had begun to trust each other, but it seems like she still didn’t feel comfortable with him. But even that didn’t make sense. There was no way he imagined what happened between them. She confided in him and he did the same. She lied to protect him. There was definitely something there. No, he didn’t imagine it, she was just pulling away, but why? Why didn’t she want to be friends with him? He didn’t want to push, so he let it go. She didn’t owe him anything. But it still burned that she didn’t show up and she wouldn’t tell him why.

 An awkward silence stretched between them as they each waited for the other to say something first.

 “I thought I might find you here,” he said, effectively breaking the silence and changing the subject.

 “Yeah. I’ve decided that I like the peace and quiet here.”

 “Am I interrupting?”

 “Not really.”

 Okay… Tristan guessed that was better than “yes, leave me alone”, but her answer didn’t exactly scream that she wanted him to stay.

 Another awkward silence.

 There was nothing awkward about Friday, so why was this so hard? Tristan looked at her while he tried to figure out what had changed. It was like he was hoping to find some clue written on her face or hidden in her eyes. 

 She caught him looking at her. Again. Was she keeping count?

 He heard her sigh and she said something he hadn’t expected.

 “Tristan, I’m really sorry about Saturday, but I just couldn’t make it.”

 “I get it. You had things to do.”

 He watched her nod in agreement, but she didn’t elaborate. He was hoping that she would say more, but she didn’t take the bait.

 “So, how did it go?” she asked.

 Tristan’s thoughts flashbacked to Saturday. It began with Tristan looking for her like a loser.


 “Don’t worry she’ll show up.” Jason said from behind Tristan. He hadn’t even known Jason was there.

 “What?” Tristan asked, confused.

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