Chapter 7

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Sierra was at her locker when she heard a familiar laugh she would recognize anywhere. She had unconsciously memorized that deep throaty sound that always made her heart beat double time.

She was careful these past few weeks to avoid him. It didn’t take long before Sierra realized that he was avoiding her, too, and she was pretty sure she knew why. It was all over school about him and Jessica, they seemed more in love than ever, always together, making out everywhere.

This was the first time they’ve met at their lockers since they talked in the music room that fateful day. And that seemed like a lifetime ago.

She’d seen him in passing, both of them pretending not to notice each other. It hurt the first time it happened, but wasn’t he was just giving her what she asked for? Wasn’t she the one who wanted boundaries?

As the laugh got louder, Sierra knew he was getting closer. She braced herself. 

“Yeah, I’ll meet you guys there,” she heard him say, his voice light, happy, carefree. As she listened to him come closer, she heard his footsteps stop abruptly. He noticed her. She thought he would turn away, but she was surprised when she heard him approach, slower this time, almost reluctant. Reluctant to see her? Would he continue to ignore her as he had been or would the situation force him to acknowledge finally her? She jerked in surprise when he spoke.


She chanced a peek at him and immediately felt sorry she did. He was gorgeous, as usual. His messy light brown hair looked so touchable, his full pink lips formed a cute awkward smile, his clear green eyes wary, but friendly. Her eyes greedily took in every detail. He was so close, she could smell his fresh clean scent that reminded her of spring rain. He always smelled like he just took a shower. Everything about him was so painfully familiar, it was like no time had passed.

 “Hey,” she answered, pleased that her voice was steady.

He began to exchange books in his locker. She wanted to talk to him, connect with him. She needed to take something away from this, a memory to cherish later.

“So you and Jessica worked things out.”

He looked at her trying to discern her thoughts. He answered cautiously.

“Yeah, we’re doing better.”

“I’m happy for you,” she lied. She did that a lot lately, especially to herself.


Tristan, talk to me, she ordered silently. She had no clue what he was feeling. He seemed so guarded.

He didn't say anything else. To Sierra's disappointment, he shut his locker and turned to walk away and she wanted to cry. Another nasty habit she picked up in addition to her lying. Her nerves were raw and her emotions were all over the place and she seriously needed to get a grip. She tried to finish what she was doing when she felt strong fingers on both her arms. The touch seemed to burn her skin. It was too much and not enough all at the same time. But she still soaked it in, enjoying the feel of him.

“I hate this,” he told her. He spoke softly, but she had no problem hearing him. He was so close to her that if she took even one step back, she would be right up against him. She could feel his breath on her neck when he spoke. “I never wanted things to be this way. But you were right. Somehow the lines got blurred and it was all my fault.”

“No – “

“Sierra,” he interrupted. He thought this was all his fault. Did he really have no idea the part she played in all this? “I had to make things right.”

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