Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: This chapter contains adult themes and strong sexual content that may not be suitable for all readers. Please know your limits. Reader discretion is advised. Thank you and enjoy!


Why was it so hot? Sierra tried to move away from the heat, but it chased her. She opened her eyes and they hurt. Who knew your eyes could hurt? She looked around and realized she was still at Tia’s house, in her bed, under her covers. Her whole body felt sweaty and stiff. She tentatively moved her limbs and froze when she hit something warm. Behind her, a soft groan filled the quiet space. That’s when she registered the weight across her midsection. It was a tanned muscled arm sprinkled with blond hair. Tristan.

No wonder she was so hot. Tristan was coiled around her surrounding her in the scorching heat from his body. Sierra pulled the blanket down halfway and rolled over slowly to face him. His eyes were closed and he snored lightly. His hold on her tightened when she moved. His features were relaxed and peaceful in sleep, his hair was messy in a way that made him look irresistible. She wanted to watch him sleep so she fought the urge to touch. There would be plenty of time for touching later.

Starting today, she was free to touch him whenever she wanted.

She flushed remembering her actions and his from the night before. Did she really kiss him in Tia’s back yard? And did she really tell him she wanted him to be her boyfriend? She felt her face burn red. Then she remembered all the arguing and tears that followed.

She remembered dancing with Reggie when Tristan showed up and pulled her away. She was sure the guys were going to fight and ruin Tia’s birthday. Then she was back in Tia’s room with Tristan and he mended her shattered heart with a searing kiss that she felt down to her soul.

Her mind drew a blank when she tried to remember the rest of their night together. It didn’t matter, though, because the end result was the same.

Tristan stirred and mumbled incoherently. Then he opened his eyes and looked right at her and Sierra felt herself fall in love all over again.

“Good morning, beautiful.” His voice was deep and raspy and caused goose bumps to rise on her flesh. He was the one who was beautiful. She still couldn’t believe he was hers.

“Your eyes are so green in the morning,” she said, her voice full of wonder. “It’s like looking into a pool of jade.”

Sierra watched as a wash of color crept across his face and he smiled shyly.

“Who knew you could be so poetic?” He leaned over to kiss her, but Sierra put her hands on his chest, stopping the movement.

“No, don’t.”

“Why not?”

“Morning breath,” she stated.

He moved her hands from his chest and nuzzled her neck. “Sierra, you smell amazing all the time. Especially now. Like vanilla cookies or cake. It’s like you’re daring me to taste you.” She shivered at the first unexpected flick of this tongue at her neck. She let out a very feminine sound at the feel of the second touch. “Mmmm. Sweet, just like I thought.”

When he moved to kiss her this time, she didn’t stop him. His lips were cool and soft against hers. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and morning breath was the last thing on her mind. Sierra slid her fingers through his hair and tugged his head down to hers deepening the kiss. Would everyday be like this?

“So, how do you feel, you know, after last night?” Tristan asked when Sierra finally released him.

“What do you mean?”

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