Chapter 28

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I think we can all use a refresher so let's recap:

Tristan had a "secret" meeting with Jessica after school that he didn't tell Sierra about. But when she found out about it from Reggie, it validated her fear that Tristan still loved Jessica and she was a rebound. Sierra decided it was best for them to separate and she stopped going to her swim lessons.

Tia sees her friends are struggling with being apart so she decides to talk some sense into them. She reveals some personal info about Sierra and how her mother's death affected her to Tristan who finally realizes he needs to fight for his girl. Now he's on a mission to prove once and for all to her and to the world that Sierra is the one for him.


"Homeboy gave you his car?!" Tia yelled loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood. She walked around Tristan's car, running her fingers along the hood. The car gleamed in the moonlight. She called Tia when the smoke cleared and she finally grasped what Tristan had done. Tia insisted on coming over to see for herself.

"I know right? Tristan keeps acting like it's not a big deal," Sierra said.

Tia opened the passenger side door and got in. "Oh no, this is a huge deal. Tony won't even let me near the driver's side of his old ass Nissan. He is so annoying. I'm like, seriously? I can't even sit in the driver's seat?"

Sierra laughed and joined her friend inside the car. It felt so good being with Tia. Her life was beginning to feel normal again. She hadn't realized how bad things were until now. It'd been weeks since she laughed. And after everything she put her friends through, she was lucky to still have friends.

"Tia, I'm sorry for being a jerk."

"Don't worry about it. We're good. I'm just glad you're back. You really had me worried for a minute. I thought I was going to have to camp outside your door again."

"That bad?"

"Girl, yeah. You were on some exorcist shit. I didn't even know who you were."

Sierra saw where Tia was coming from. These past few weeks, she didn't even recognize herself. "Tia, I'm so sorry."

"You can stop apologizing. Nobody's mad at you. Except maybe Reggie," Tia laughed.

Oh no, Reggie. Sierra didn't think it was possible to feel any worse about how she acted. She was wrong. No one deserved an apology from her more than Reggie.

"He's still mad?"

Tia smirked. "No, he's not mad. He's pissed. I think he finally got the message that you're not interested." Tia saw Sierra's face and quieted down. "Don't stress about Reggie. Just hit him with the puppy dog eyes and all will be forgiven. The important thing is that you're okay. I'm so happy you and Tristan finally worked things out."

"We didn't exactly work things out. I'm just giving him a chance to prove that he's changed."

A pause. "Are you joking?"

Sierra frowned. "No."

"I thought since he gave you his car that things were official." Another pause. "Does he even know he's on probation?"

The way Tia said that made Sierra think twice. "I think so."

"You think so?" Tia repeated for effect. When Sierra didn't answer, she shook her head and placed her hand on her forehead. "Oh my God."

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