Chapter 14

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I slumped against the nearest wall. The cold stone didn't bother me, at least not as much as something else. Dropping off Jean and Marco at the boys's sleeping quarters pushed my muscles to their full capacity. But even in this daze, I couldn't miss the light footsteps behind me.

"What?" With my eyes closed I couldn't see them stop, not that I needed to. Just moving my lips slightly made me feel like my legs would give out.

The person behind me snickered. "A warm welcome as always, glad to see you're still holding on to that part of yourself." Levi let out a soft sigh. "Though I'd really appreciate it if you refrained from dirtying the wall." I don't know why he is acting like this, but I couldn't care less.

Annoyed and fueled with new energy I pushed off the wall -almost falling down in the process.

Clumsily I turned myself around.

Looking down at him, I almost fell back against the wall. The corners of his mouth were pulled up into a grin - his features soft in the warm light. I stared, only to find there were no faults in his mask.

He moved closer, crossing his arms over his chest. "What? That surprised to see me?" I huffed, getting ready to walk away. I had training with the others the next day, and I didn't want to miss it because he had kept me up.

"You're the only one here that could almost die and come back like nothing happened" He sighed. "It is admirable, in the other's eyes at least." If this was supposed to be meant as praise or an insult, I'm not sure. He might not even know himself. But it doesn't matter, I won't stay here any longer.

"If you don't mind, I'll be going to my room now." Rude or not, he didn't seem too offended. I turned on my heel, looking forward to some rest. In the morning I could catch up with Armin, he might even have another idea on how I'd regain my lost memories.

It's strange, I've been without them for about a month now, yet I don't miss them the way I thought I would. I still remembered key parts of my life - like my name, what I'm doing here, and how this world works. Knowing a bit about my friends might have made this a bit easier, but surely those things will come back with time.

Overall, the situation doesn't bother me too much.

"I can tell you what happened." But that certainly does. Stupid as it was, I thought someone would have let me know by now, so I never tried to ask anyone.

My feet stopped a few meters away from him.

I glanced over my shoulder - refusing to turn fully until I knew he wasn't lying. "And I should believe you because...?" His gaze dropped, face shadowed by the poor lighting. I waited, offering him a few valuable seconds.

Levi sighed, bringing his right hand up to touch the white fabric tucked into his collar. "Because... I was there." He paused, perhaps thinking I would have something to say.

I did not.

I watched him fumble with the rest of his uniform. Everything about him screamed nervousness, but was it because he spoke truthfully, or because he wasn't sure I'd take the bait?

The sound of my feet shuffling caught his attention. The corporal looked back up - seeing me now standing fully turned around, front towards him. "And that makes anything you say trustworthy?" It was my turn to cross my arms. The feeling reminding me of the soft blankets on my bed.

What wouldn't I have done to lay snuggled in them instead?

Levi stared - puzzled. Clearly he wasn't expecting this from me. "Since when did you start interrogating people?"

U̶n̶dying love ~ Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now