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Astoria held two cups of tea in her hands and she was about to open her father's door when, without trying to, she heard the conversation between her brother and her father.

"You know what I..." Her father started.

"Oh, can I get you something?" Gilbert asked.

"You know... What was the best thing about getting sick? Traveling west again." He said. "The train. God, I love a train."

Astoria starts to tear up, thinking of what a vulnerable state she was in when her father was getting sick. She would often stay up without sleep, worrying about him.

"And those rocky mountains." Mr. Blythe continued.

"They're amazing." Gilbert replied, his voice lightly cracking.

"Did my heart good. It's a big world, son. Remember that." He told Gilbert. "And make sure to take care of your sister, God knows she won't do it herself."

He breath caught in her throat as she was close to sobbing. Quickly composing herself, Astoria knocked on the door and walked in with a smile.

"I thought you guys would like some tea." She told them.

"Lovely. Thank you, dear." Her father said, smiling.


"Gilbert! Gilbert! Gilbert!" Astoria yelled, running out of the house. "Gilbert!"

Gilbert ran over to his sister, a concerned look covering his face. Astoria was balling her eyes out, tears were falling quickly from her face and she looked to be panicked.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked.

"It's father." She chocked out.

Gilbert ran inside, and Astoria came shortly after. They stood at their fathers side and cried until Gilbert eventually had to get up and get the doctor.


Everyone was dressed in black. A carriage was carrying the dead body of Mr. Blythe in a casket, and Astoria and Gilbert walked right behind it; in front of the crowd of people following behind them. Nobody said anything until they got up to the grave in which Mr. Blythe was placed into.

"Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself... For where I am, there ye may be also."

Astoria turned to her brother and cried into his chest, no longer listening to what people were saying. All she wanted was her father back, and she prayed for that in her head the entire time. Gilbert and Astoria stayed by their fathers grave and watched him be buried.

"This is real... This is actually happening. It's not some nightmare I made up while sleeping." Astoria cried quietly.

"No... It's real. Though I wish it weren't." Gilbert replied, placing his hand on his sister's.


Once inside, Astoria wasted no time in going up to her room. She didn't want anyone telling her to 'stay strong' and that she's 'doing amazing'. All Astoria wanted was to grieve in peace, without people who weren't her family that have no idea how she felt telling her how to be or feel.

Astoria layed down on her bed and cried, thinking about what her and her brother are supposed to do now that they were orphans.




Astoria BlytheWhere stories live. Discover now