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"You should have stopped him from getting on that steamship, Anne. And you too, Astoria." Ruby commented. "If Gilbert falls overboard and drowns, it'll be both your faults."

"He'd come home soon enough if..." Josie's words got drowned out by Astoria looking over at Cole.

He looked so sad, eating alone by the blackboard. She sighed and decided, much like to join back into school, that she would go eat with her friend. Astoria stood up and walked over to sit beside him, much to his happiness.
"You looked in need of a friend, and who better than me?" She shoved him lightly.

"Thanks... For this and for standing up for me." Cole replied.

"Yeah, I'm sorry you still had to write on the blackboard." Astoria said. "He just would not let up. No matter how hard I tried."

"It's the thought that counts." He told her.

"Your drawing was exquisite. It brought Camelot to life." Anne told Cole, after walking over with Diana. "And plus, Billy Andrews is a barbarian."

"I have strawberry tarts to share. May we join you?" Diana asked.

"What do you say, Cole. Want two amazing and beautiful new friends to join us?" Astoria smirked.

Cole smiled and moved over slightly for them to fit. "That sounds nice, of course I would."

"Aren't you girls coming over?" Diana looked towards the other girls.

Ruby came first, and everyone else soon followed after

"Thank you." Cole said to Anne, Diana, and Astoria.

"It was no problem. It's what friends do." Astoria replied.

"Tillie, would you like a tart?" Diana asked the girl.

"I'd love some." Tillie responded, laughing.


"I'll see you tomorrow, Cole." Astoria said.

"Goodbye." Cole smiled.

Astoria walked home, humming to herself. She often found herself humming or singing to fill the silence, it made her feel better; more free, you could say.

When she got home, she was greeted with Tom. He was reading a book in the living room, smiling to himself. Astoria laughed, as this was the first day and he already seemed content here.

"Good afternoon." Astoria said to him, standing in the doorway. "How was your day?"

"It was great. The animals are well, and so are the crops. And I've been able to sit for a bit." Tom replied, placing his book down. "How about you?"

"That's wonderful and my day has been alright. As good as it can be while at school." She chuckled. "Dinner will be ready at 5."

"Yes, ma'am." He soluted.




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