Chapter 29

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Chanel's POV

He looked at me surprised then pity.
"Yes" he whispered barely audible.

"Wait how did you know?" He asked with a new light in his eye.

"I had like this flashback, I thought I was sleeping." I said drying my eyes.

He looked extremely confused. "You never fell asleep, you were just out of it" he said handing me a tissue.

The doctor walked in with his clipboard.
"Alright Chanel, the procedure will be tomorrow, and then you will stay another day after that to make sure the procedure went well." He said with a smile.

"Okay" I said feeling extremely awkward.
"She remembered something." Jordan said with a smile.
"That's great! Now after the surgery, your memory will not be restored automatically, it will take time." He said turning some dials.

"What did you remember?" He asked looking satisfied at the monitor.

I didn't want to say it. I knew if I did I would cry all over again. Jordan seemed to notice, because he grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I now know that my dad umm past away." I said looking down.

I could feel the tears building up, threatening to spill over. "Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pried."the doctor said looking uncomfortable.

I gave a small smile, and pulled my hand from Jordan's. He looked hurt, but I didn't even know him.

***** the next day

Still Chanel's POV

Today was the surgery, and I was terrified. Jordan had to leave last night for a photo shoot.

Evidently I was supposed to be in it to. A lot of strangers have came and visited it me, but they seemed to know everything about me.

It was scary in some ways. It like everyone knows a secret but you.

I am now being wheeled into the operating room.

Jordan's POV

I don't know how long I can take this. She has been in surgery for 3 hours now.

Some slutty red head was sitting next to me in the waiting room.

She kept putting her hand on my leg and I didnt like it at all.

I got up before she could put her hand anywhere else. I walked back to Chanel's room and of course she wasn't there.

A nurse walked in and jumped, when she saw me.

I gave an apologetic smile and turned back to the card that some one sent Chanel.

The doors opened again, and they wheeled Chanel in.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"How did it go?" I asked the doctor.

"It went great actually, I think she is going to be okay." He said checking something off on his clipboard.

"There is one thing though." He said looking at me.
"I don't know when she is going to regain full memory, or if she will at all, but please be patent, and don't upset her." He said looking down at her beautiful face.

"I won't I promise."

Author note:

I know it is an uneventful chapter sorry😳 but I'm having writers block, but I will defiantly pick things back up 😄😄

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