Chapter 15

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Nikki's POV

The mall trip is going quite well actually, until one of my cousins deciding she needed to go to Victoria Secret. "Do we have toooo?" I whined. "Yes" she said firmly and got up. I seriously hope we don't run into them,because Matthew has been acting really different since he saw those pictures.

Chanel's POV

Me and Jordan walked around for a little bit before going to the food court, where of course I spotted my family and the rest of them.

*ring ring*

"Hey it's Kim can you and Jordan come to the store I need you to work." She said through the speaker.

"We are actually at the mall so we will see you in a few." I say and hang up.
"Kim needs us at the store to work" I told Jordan while we threw our trash away, avoiding "them" at all cost.
We walked to the store and met Kim at the back. "Good your here can you put these on and stand outside the store" she said handing me a bikini and Jordan swimming trunks.

After she left I turned to Jordan. "Well I guess we go get changed" I said and grabbed his hand dragging him to the back.
He seemed surprised by our contact. I mean I like Jordan, but he doesn't seem to take interest in me like that.

We meet outside the store and just stand around goofing off.

Then all you could here was laughter coming up the escalator. Jordan looked at me funny before he heard it to.
He put his arm around my waist all of a sudden. It surprised me, but I was thankful for the warmth.
We made eye contact with them when they started walking over.

"Hey guys!" I said excitedly. Kim told us to be cheerful to everyone who came in the store, and I really didn't want to lose my job.

Jordan pulled his arm from around me and gestured to the store. "Come on in guys we have tons of sales today" he said as cheerful as possible.

"Do you have any sales on how to be fake because that's what this is" Stella said sarcastically.

"No we were hoping you could just teach us" I say in the same cheerful voice as before. She didn't say anything else.

They walked in the store. "Hahahahahah" me and Jordan almost died laughing outside the store. We knew they saw us laugh but we didn't care.
"Guys" said Kim walking over.
"Oh shit" Jordan whispered in my ear.

"This weekend we are going to have our first live show here at the mall, and since half of our models are at the photo shoot in Brazil you two are gonna be our headlining models." She said with a big smile.

Oh my god is she serious.
"Really!?" Jordan said from beside me.
"Yep which means Chanel you need to be fitted for you wings tomorrow" she said and walked off leaving us celebrating in the middle of the mall.

Sally our makeup artist also runs the store 3 days a week. I hopped up on the counter and Jordan leaned on it next to me. "They" left as we were coming in.

"Guess what!?" I say excitedly once she finished with a customer.
"What?" She asked.

"Me and Jordan are headlining the show this weekend!" I squeal.

"And...." Jordan interrupts our squealing girl moment. He looked at me. He has really pretty eyes.

"Oh right" I say completely losing my train of thought.

"I get fitted for my wings tomorrow" which starts another squealing out rage.

I think I finally found a place where I belong.

Author note:

Hey loves😘 hope you had an amazing week. I'm not sure how many times I will update next week because of final exams, but I will try my hardest I promise😊
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