2. Unbearable Pain

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Mornings used to always bring the feeling of adventure and exhilaration for Abhay but nowadays nothing seems to enliven him anymore.

It was around 6 in the morning when Abhay stirred a bit in his sleep and shifted towards his right direction and saw an angelic face looking so soft and innocent. Though the barriers made from the pillows were still there, but Abhay could still spot the little pout on his wife's face. Unlike Abhay she was not an early bird.

With a gentle smile on his face he went towards the washroom and splashed water on his face. It was Abhay's daily routine to wake up early, do his morning routine, have a little breakfast and then leave for office.

"How much more unlucky I can get? I am only able to look at you when your are asleep unlike other husband's who can enjoy each and every moment with their wives. Why are we like this my love?" Abhay whispered while looking at himself in the mirror.

After taking bath, he made his way towards the room, a white towel wrapped around his hips, while his jet black hairs were all wet, water dripping down from his collorbones. He made his way towards the dressing table and started drying his hair with another cloth.

"Ofcourse it has to be you, first because of your ugly alarm I had to wake up early and then because of your lazy attitude I have to sit here and wait for you to come out from the washroom. Are you even aware that it's not only you who is working, I am also employeed and that too in a huge MNC." Anusha said while glaring at her husband. Though she can't decline that her husband is utterly handsome but because of her ego she wasn't ready to admit that she was drooling a second before while watching her handsome husband drying his hairs that too his chest was naked while only a towel was wrapped up around his lower half.

Anusha gulped and stood up from her bed making her way towards the washroom. Once she entered inside, Anusha closed her eyes while clenching her fists because this time she was not able to ignore those teary eyes of her husband which were looking towards her.

"Why are you like this? Why can't you just leave me and make this pain stop for both of us. Why?" Anusha uttered and started wiping the tears which were falling helplessly from her eyes.

It was after an hour later the entire Gupta family was sitting and having their breakfast. Abhay and Anusha both were sitting besides each other wearing fake smiles on their faces for Abhay's family however their hearts were breaking every moment.

"Son make sure to drive carefully, and Anusha please be alert while returning from the office especially in our neighbourhood. Mrs Sharma my friend who lives three blocks down the lane was telling me that there has been a robbery Last night in our colony so please be alert both of you." Abhay's mother said while having her breakfast.

"Sure Mom." Abhay replied. His breakfast was over however he was still waiting for his wife to complete her breakfast as they both leave together from their home.

"I am done. We will be leaving, bye everyone." Anusha spoke while grabbing everyone's attention to which all the family members genuinely smiled and bid goodbye to the couple.

Abhay sauntered towards his car, after unlocking the car, he sat inside while buckling the seat belt and positioned the rear view mirror carefully. Meanwhile Anusha also sat inside the car and rolled down the window while keeping her purse on her lap.

"You are not wearing the seat belt." Anusha heard Abhay whispering and she cross examined and sighed when she realised he was right.

"Yeah! Yeah! I am putting it on." Anusha replied making Abhay chuckled. Well what could he do he was helplessly falling in love with his wife. Her every action ended up making Abhay amused.

"Why are you laughing? Stop laughing I don't like your laugh." Anusha whisper yelled making Abhay's heart clench.

It was again a wierd silence inside the car, making both of them feel suffocated.
They both diverted their attention and Abhay focused on driving while Anusha was sitting with a blank mind as she had so many thoughts in her mind which were not cleared yet.

It was about 40 minutes later when Abhay reached near Anusha's office. He parked the car and turn towards Anusha's side.

"Please me careful while returning home at night like mom told there might be some dangerous people lurking near our neighbourhood--" before Abhay could continue Anusha interrupted him in between and spoke.

"Stop lecturing me alright you are no one to provide me extra advice. I'll do whatever I want and whatever I like. You are not my parent that you will tell me what to do and what not, Opps I forgot that you are just like my parents people like you just love to destroy someone's else happiness."

With that being said Anusha left the car however on the contrary Abhay was still stuck on her one sentence which was destroying someone's happiness.

Wasn't she the one who told that she had approved their relation and is ready for the marriage. Was she really not happy in this relation, was this marriage destroying her happiness? Was there anything which Anusha and her parents were hiding?

All these thoughts had clouded Abhay's mind and he was unable to think straight. There was only one thought going in his mind which was to find out what Anusha's parents knew about which he is unaware of.


Hey Guys 🌸

•What do you all think about today's chapter?

• What's your opinion so far regarding Anusha as per this chapter. Will she ever accept Abhay as her husband or Should Abhay really provide her the freedom which she apparently wants.

Author's Note -

Hey Guy's,
Firstly I would like to put my gratitude in front of you all for giving so much love to this book, the reads and comment's on the first chapter had left me so giddy and thrilled. Honestly I was a bit insecure regarding publishing a new book because it's been six - seven months since my last book was published. However thank you so much for all the support.

Make sure to like and drop your comments as it's really fun to read who is in Abhay's team and who is an Anusha' s team.

Till then
See Ya!!

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