15. Love is about Pain

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The moment Anusha heard about her father's health condition, she felt drowning in multiple emotions however the emotion of guilt was stronger and heavy. Since childhood she had always loved her parents, despite being the elder one she was always pampered. However in past few years things changed and her equation with her parents also changed. Whatever happened in her past had broken her to core that she started blaming her parents. There were times when she felt remorseful and guilty however her ego would force her to never bend down.

Though her closeness with Abhay had brought a different perspective of life and relationships in front of her and Abhay's love and care had healed almost all her wounds however there was still a wound which could only be cured by a parents love and affection.

Anusha and Abhay were currently in the plane, which was going back to Mumbai from Shimla. Anusha's head was lying on Abhay's shoulder, her tears were continuously flowing through her eyes like a stream, the pain in her heart was increasing passing every second. There were many negative thoughts which had clouded her mind, she knew she was not the best daughter for her parents but she truly loved them. She wished for father's better health and wanted him to get well soon.

It was after an hour the plane landed in Mumbai airport, Karan and Rohan had came to pick the couple from the airport.

"Don't worry Bhabhi we all are with you in this tough time." Rohan whispered once all four of them sat inside the car.

Anusha nodded her head in acknowledgement and continued to pray for her father's health.

All four of them reached the hospital in which Anusha's father was admitted within 45 minutes. Anusha hurriedly opened the door of the car and sauntered towards the reception. Abhay and Anusha inquired about Mr Kappor and ambled towards the ICU.

Anusha saw her mother wailing loudly, she ran towards her mother and hugged her tightly.

"Mom" Anusha whispered and at last broke down.

"It's okay sweetie calm dow, let's just pray for your father to get well soon." Mrs Kapoor said with moist eyes.

All of them were praying for Mr Kapoor's recovery, while Abhay was silently keeping a check on his wife's health too as he didn't want Anusha to exhaust herself any further.

It was after thirty minutes that the doctor came out of the ICU, and removed his gloves from his hands while sighing a bit. The doctor looked into the eyes of all the family members of the patient and mentally prepared himself to reveal the patient's actual condition.

Anusha and Abhay and rest of their family members had surrounded the doctor and were looking at him with anticipation.

"There is not much improvement in Mr Kapoor's health, though diagnosis is being done but we can't say much as of now. Please stay strong." The doctor said and left every body in agonizing pain.

Anusha felt a sudden lump in her throat, she felt as if someone was chocking her badly, she wanted to scream however not even a single word was coming out of her mouth.

Mrs Kapoor quickly moved towards her daughter and wrapped her daughter in her motherly embrace which broke Anusha futher.

Abhay and his family felt empathetic towards Anusha and her mother. They at last decided to give some space to the mother daughter duo and went outside leaving Anusha and Mrs Kapoor alone.

"Stop crying Anusha, don't worry I am with you, everything is going to be alright. Your father is going to be alright as well." Mrs Kapoor said with a heavy tone.

"I'm so sorry Mom, I am extremely sorry." Anusha whispered and sobbed hysterically.

"I am sorry about everything. I haven't been the daughter you both were expecting and I'm sorry for that. I've lied and hurt you both so badly. The worst part is that I can never take back what I have said and what I did as much as I wish I could turn the clock backwards and make the right decisions.

My behavior towards both of you has been horrible and all I have done is to yell at you both and hurt you with my words but Mom trust me that I am extremely sorry for being such a mean daughter.

I can't even imagine how much hurt you both have felt because of my bitter words. I know my rude and arrogant behaviour must have made a big hole in your heart and because of me Dad is in such condition, because of me and my arrogant life style he is suffering. My behavior is inexcusable and I don't know how to make you trust me again but have faith in me when I say that from the bottom of my heart, I am extremely sorry for my behaviour. I will never lash at you both again, I will never cut your phone off, I will never ignore you, I will never--" Anusha whispered those words while sobbing in between. She stared at her Mother and took her hands in her own and said,

"I can't even imagine what pain my actions might have caused you but, please forgive me. I feel so devastated after watching my own father in this state because of my own pathetic self, but I assure you Mom that now I'll change for the better. I'll be the daughter you both wished to have. I'll make you proud, I'll do whatever you say just please forgive me."

"Please" Anusha mumbled again and both mother daughter duo kept on crying silently. The pain both of them were feeling was unbearable, and the tears which were constantly flowing through their eyes were the evidence of the pain and hurt they were going through.

In the extreme corner of the corridor, Abhay was standing and watching the mother daughter duo crying their heart out in each other's embrace. Abhay sighed and started pondering over the reasons which had brought so much distance between Anusha and her family. He had listened to their entire conversation and now he wanted to know the entire truth which had brought so much unnecessary space in Anusha and her parents' relationship. Though his intention was just to look at his wife from afar and make sure she is fine but the moment he heard the entire conversation he made up his mind to bring Anusha and her parents together.


Hey Guys 🌸

•Do you think Abhay's desire to find out the truth will eventually hurt him? 👀

Till then
See Ya!!

A/N -

So today my day was going pretty normal, however then something happened and my mood literally got spoiled but then I saw a sweet message and I felt glad to be on this platform and to meet you all and hear pretty good things about my stories and w...

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So today my day was going pretty normal, however then something happened and my mood literally got spoiled but then I saw a sweet message and I felt glad to be on this platform and to meet you all and hear pretty good things about my stories and writing. This message literally made me so happy and motivated me to publish a new chapter lol.

Thank You so much for writing a lovely message for me and thanks to all those who feel the same if there is any. 😭❤️

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