18. Love Me Like You Do

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Sometimes a little break ends up being positive for many people however for Anusha a little break between her and Abhay's relationship was extremely exhausting.

Though she was with her family and was having the time of her life but there was still a space present inside her heart whose cure was none other than Abhay.

It had been exactly five days that Anusha was with her family at her own house and Abhay was living in his own house, this Little break had obviously given them enough space and time to think over their past and present life throughly.

"What are you thinking Anusha?" Mr Kappor asked while sauntering inside his daughter's room and made some space for himself on her bed.

"Nothing much Dad." Anusha mumbled silently.

"You are thinking about your husband right? Don't you believe him or don't you have faith in your love for him?" Mr Kappor questioned.

"It's not like that Dad, I do believe him and my faith in him has no limits or boundaries, rather his love has not only made me have faith in him but because of his love I have started believing myself too. It's just that I don't have faith in my fate. I Don't want to lose him when I have hardly made through his heart. " Anusha spoke quietly while she kept fidgeting at her place.

Mr Kappor chuckled a bit and patted his daughters head slightly.

"My dear daughter, we got you married to Abhay for a reason because for a fact we knew he is more smarter and mature than you."

Mr Kappor said to which Anusha frowned a little.

"I know he might be feeling betrayed or dejected but it's natural for him to feel like that after all we were at fault for not letting him know about your past, but I am absolutely sure that he would definitely understand our perspective too. Once he'll cool down and calm his mind, he will understand that at that time saving you from your past and bringing you out of that toxic hole was more important. Moreover he is not one of those who will judge you based on your past choices of relationship. It's extremely normal for everyone to fall in love and people in love can often make mistakes, not every relationship can turn out to be successful, and not every person can be trusted, just like that idiotic ex of yours and honestly I am glad that now he is out of your life because my daughter only deserves love and happiness. Me as a parent would always want your and Abhay's happiness and trust me when I say that he would soon come to pick you up." Mr Kappor said to which Anusha smiled and nodded her head in acknowledgement. Her heart felt extreme excitement at the thought of Abhay coming and taking her back but she didn't want to get her hopes high.

"I am going to head out for a while Dad." Anusha said and went out of her house to have some fresh air.

It was around eight in the evening and the weather was quite chilly for Anusha's liking. She kept on Walking mindlessly and was only wandering about Abhay.

"Hi baby." Came a loud shrieking voice of the person whom Anusha hated from the bottom of her heart. She was furious to see the person who had fooled her in his vicious love cycle and had trapped her in his sweet fake promises standing in front of her and looking so proud of himself. Their was no ounce of guilt or regret in his expressions.

"Oh! Hi my beautiful baby how are you? Still trying to cope up with our breakup?" Anusha's ex stated with a smirk on his face.

"Don't you dare call me baby, you dumb jerk." Anusha fumed and felt anger radiating throughout her body when she heard that man chuckling and laughing loudly.

"I see! So have you fallen for someone else? If that's the case then I am really unlucky that I couldn't even enjoy my time with you and before I could do so, I had lost you out of my hands." He said with a nasty smirk on his face.

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