12. Day 6 - Love is about Protection

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Often at times there are situations when people want to run away from the things which were earlier their source of happiness. With passage of time we tend to realise that people whom we used to cherish and love so much, actually never deserved our attention.

Anusha was also going through a similar phase, it was around seven in the evening and Anusha was losing her patience  with passing minutes because of a simple text which she never wanted to read.

Anusha was currently alone in her hotel room as Abhay was out having a conversation with his friend Rajat. Anusha was still lost in her thoughts when she heard her phone ringing again.

She furiously declined the call, and started fidgeting again. All her past memories were flashing in front of her eyes, she was cursing as to why her past was trying to control her again when she was now happy in her present. She heard her phone ringing again and this time she decided to give up on her calm and patience and decided to give this person a piece of his mind.

She picked the call and before giving the other person any chance to speak she decided to speak her heart out.

"How dare you text me and now you have got the guts to call Me huh? Don't you understand that I had clearly ignored your text and blocked you then why are you calling me from a different number? Don't you have shame? Stop pestering me and hear me out for the last time, don't you dare disturb me again otherwise you would see a different side of me."

Anusha fumed out and threw her phone on the opposite wall. Anger stirred within her, she felt a flash of irritation passing her. Anusha stumbled a bit and felt a bit dizzy because of sudden change of emotions.

"Anusha look what I bought for you, your favourite black forest cake." Abhay spoke loudly making his appearance inside their hotel room.

Abhay opened his mouth to speak again however was astonished to see that Anusha's attention was lost somewhere else and her body was shivering rapidly, her fists were clenched tightly. Her phone was now broken and was lying dead on the floor.

"Anusha are you alright? What's wrong?" Abhay said with concern.

"Anusha I am asking you something, what's wrong? Why is your body shaking, did someone say you anything? why is your phone lying on the floor?" Abhay bombarded her with numerous questions but there was only one emotion behind all of his questions and that was his concern for his wife.

"Anusha why are you not saying anything? Is there any problem? Is your family okay?" Abhay kept on questioning and to his extreme dismay Anusha was still standing like a statue as if she has seen some ghost.

Abhay with passing second was losing his patience and temper, he was about to utter something when he heard Anusha laughing like a crazy person.

"Anusha?" Abhay whispered when he saw his wife laughing hysterically but he could clearly decipher her teary eyes. Even if she was laughing and giggling, her eyes were moist and tears were constantly flowing through her eyes. There was a hidden pain in her eyes, she was only laughing out to divert her heart and Abhay's attention.

"Everything is wrong! From the very start it was absolutely wrong but I was a fool to believe that things were going in a right direction, I thought everyone loved me but all my loved ones ended up giving me extreme pain. You tell me Abhay, you always tell me that love is a powerful emotion and when we are in love then we tend to go to any extent for our loved ones right? Then why can't people go to any extent for me? Why can't people love me genuinely? Why do people leave me often? Am I that bad? I know that I have attitude issues, I know that I act as a braty kid sometimes but I was not like this. I--I, hate myself, I hate this pathetic emotion, I hate it." Anusha whisper yelled and started sobbing loudly. Her loud wails were breaking Abhay's heart, but he was not able to move his body an inch. He wanted to console her badly but her little speech had left a deep impact on Abhay's mind and heart.

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