9. Day 3 - Love is about Trust

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It was around six in the morning and Both Abhay and Anusha were still sleeping soundly. Anusha was cradling a pillow to her chest. The sun was beaming through the blinds of the curtain, causing Anusha to stir in her sleep. Unlike Abhay waking up early was never a simple task for Anusha, she was not at all a morning person. She groaned a little and at last decided to wake up.

Anusha tiredly sat, her back was pressed against the wall. She instantaneously turned her head in Abhay's direction and saw him Sleeping peacefully. His hairs were hiding his eyes, the blanket was wrapped around him tightly, in totality a sleepy Abhay was a cute Abhay for Anusha.

She chuckled a bit and moved her body fom the bed. She was about to go towards the washroom, but the loud ringing of her phone brought her attention towards it. Anusha hurriedly took her phone in her hands, and without going through the name of the contact, she accepted the call in a hurry.

Anusha was constantly looking at Abhay as she didn't wanted to disturb his sleep. The moment she realised that Abhay is still asleep, she heaved a sigh. Anusha sauntered towards the balcony and finally uttered "Hello"

There was a dead silence from the other side making Anusha puzzled. Before Anusha could check the name of the contact who called her, she heard a voice which made her flinch and overwhelmed at the same time.

The other voice kept on taking Anusha's name, but she was so much in daze that she was not able to form any word. Anusha's grip on her phone became harder every passing second.

Before the other person could continue more, Anusha decided to interupt them from ranting on further.

"Enough, you have said what you wanted to. Now listen to me yes I was not happy with this relationship, I was not happy with this marriage ordeal, and I was pushed to marry Abhay, and the one to force me where my own people." Anusha chuckled helplessly.

"I was not happy in this marriage, I felt as if I was caged and because of you all I blamed this on Abhay as well, even when it was not his fault. You all have not only played with my life and my emotions, but you have also hurt Abhay and his family's emotions. My anger and hatred towards you all made me hate Abhay too but now I have realised that it was not his fault, rather it was me who was at fault." Anusha said and felt her voice wavering passing every second.

"It was me who had caged myself in my past and I kept on blaming Abhay. I thought If I hate him, ignore him, he might leave me but no he actually stayed. He made me realise how stupid I was to waste so much of my time because of my ignorance and anger. That's why I decided to give one more chance to our relationship but I request you to stay away from me, please don't call me or text me as I am not interested in speaking to you all." Anusha spoke and immediately hanged the call. Tears were continuously flowing through her eyes.

Anusha wiped her tears and took a breath. She turned around after composing herself however was astonished to find Abhay staring at her.

"Are you alright?" Abhay inquired cautiously making Anusha finally break down loudly.

"Why? Why are you like this? You are too good for me and I am so--" Anusha sobbed hysterically but her statement was cut off in between when Abhay came near her and gently held her by her shoulders.

"You are unique in your own self and stop putting yourself down." Abhay said with a genuine smile on his face.

"Won't you ask me with whom I was speaking about our relation?" She knew Abhay had heard everything but still he was not interrogating about anything from her. She wondered that what if some other man would have been in Abhay's place then would have he also reacted like him? However a quick response came in Anusha's mind which was that no one can be like Abhay and Anusha for the umpteenth time felt lucky.

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