31. Love is about Mutual Decisions

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Mrs Gupta was having a causal meet up with her friends in her house while waiting for her son and daughter in law. She placed the three cups of tea with some light snacks in front of her friends while having little discussions over here and there.

"You know Mrs Gupta, we got to know that finally Mrs Sharma's daughter in law has given birth to a baby boy. At last she was able to give them a heir after four years of her marriage." Mrs Patel said.

"Oh! I wasn't aware of it but I am glad that she got to enjoy the feeing of being a mother, she is a very sweet girl and every women deserves to enjoy the feeling of motherhood." Mrs Gupta said with a little smile on her face.

"Mrs Gupta I had a question though, when are we hearing some good news from your daughter in law." Mrs Patel added while the other two women also nodded their heads enthusiastically.

"I think your son and daughter in law are soon going to hit one year mark in their marriage, they should really think about having children soon." Mrs Agarwal said adding her words in the ongoing conversation.

"Well thanks for showing your concerns Mrs Agarwal and Mrs Patel but I think that it should be my son and daughter in law making this decision. Young married couples should think about parenting only when they are mentally and emotionally prepared for it and not when others think that the couple should be a parent. Sometimes decision taken in haste can turn out to be extremely dangerous in future. It's my daughter in law and son's decision to when have a child and whenever they are ready we would accept it. I want my daughter in law to be completely comfortable and confident of herself in the process of being a mother as it's her body and as a women we should really understand that." Mrs Gupta said while throwing daggers at her friend's. She took a breathe and turned her head in the other direction however was left astonished to see Abhay and Anusha standing in the corridor.

Looking at the presence of the young couple, the three elderly woman decided to leave Mrs Gupta's place in silence.

Mrs Gupta was stunned to see her son and daughter in law standing in the corridor, Anusha's tears were enough to draw a realisation in Mrs Gupta's mind that the couple had heard the entire conversation between the elderly ladies.

"I am heading to my room." Mrs Gupta said and ambled towards her room without being able to look into the eyes of the young couple.

On the other hand Abhay and Anusha were rooted at their place, Anusha was feeling overwhelmed at the the thought of a such a sensitive topic. Abhay saw his wife trembling at her place, he turned her body towards himself and took his wife in his embrace.

"Don't pay attention to the words of those ladies. Like Mom said, it's our decision to have a child at this moment or not, more precisely it's your decision. It's you who is going to carry our child, it's you who is going to keep our child safe in your own body, it's you who is going to go through the different phases of changes whether it is in your body or diet. It's our decision and no third person can take that for us. So stop pondering over negative thoughts and just focus on us and our family." Abhay said while carefully choosing his each and every word as he knew that Anusha is currently sensitive and parenting and pregnancy is genuinely a sensitive topic for each and every woman. Anusha nodded her head at her husband's wise words.

"I'll go and speak to Mom as well. I know she would also be guilt tripping herself. The ladies in my life are seriously cry babies." Abhay mumbled trying to make his wife smile and in response heard a melodious giggle making him successful in his first attempt.


Mrs Gupta kept on pacing inside her room, she was terrified at the thought of her daughter in law and son thinking wrong about her. She kept on fiddling with the hem of her dress. Mrs Gupta sat on her bed and in that very moment she saw Abhay walking inside her room.

"Abhay?" Mrs Gupta mumbled feeling a bit puzzled.

"Hey! Mom." Abhay uttered while sitting besides her and looking at his mother with utmost admiration. she was truly an inspiration for him, his mother was the source of his wisdom, she was the source of his compassion and generosity.

"Abhay I didn't knew that our causal meet up would turn up like that, I know that Anusha might be feeling hurt because of those words but you trust me right? I don't want to enforce the feeling of parenthood on my children rather I want both of you to embrace this feeling." Mrs Gupta said feeling a bit emotional.

"Mom never in my dreams I would doubt your unconditional love for all of us, I know you will always be there for us, waiting patiently to catch us if we fall. I know that you stood up for us and the way you were firm at your view point for your daughter in law and son is commendable. We trust you Mom and you are truly an inspiration for all the women out there, I know being a mother in law you might also have your desire to meet and see your grandchildren, but you chose to surpass your desires and instead the way you respect your son's and daughter in law's choices shows what a strong mother you are." Abhay said and was quickly embraced in a warm motherly hug making him feel contented.


It was the next day and the morning sunlight began trickling through the curtains. Anusha curled her body more towards Abhay's frame to hide herself from the sunlight. Abhay on the other hand pulled Anusha closer to himself, he kissed her forehead and whispered a "Happy first anniversary my cute little wife."

"Happy first Anniversary my love." Anusha whispered back while opening her eyes a little. She turned her head in Abhay's direction and saw him smiling sheepishly.

"I can never describe how I felt when I saw you for the first time at our first meeting, your beauty still manages to blow me away. I cant believe that It's been one year already. I feel like it was just yesterday when I met you, we have shared so much together, so many uncertainties, difficulties, joyful moments, in the time span of one year but it was all worth it as I had you with me at the end of the day. Though never in my wildest dreams I would have imagined that I would find a strong, fierce, and a little woman for myself but still I wont trade this feeling for anything in this world." Abhay whispered and received a punch from his not so little wife.

"Ouch! I am sorry, I was kidding babes. I love you so much, I love your strong willpower, I love your generosity, I love your kindness, I love your vulnerable self, I love you in whole. Happy first Anniversary Anusha." Abhay said and was caught by surprise when he heard his wife sobbing.

"Baby what's wrong why are you crying--?" Abhay questioned however in return he felt her warm and soft lips on his own. Their bodies were pressed together heatedly. They were breathing heavily as their lips were molded together in a deep and a passionate kiss. Warmth blossomed in Anusha's chest at the thought of living a happy life with her husband and hopefully with her future kids.

"I Love you too my dear husband." Anusha whispered back with a fond smile while parting her lips from her husband's making the couple smile in each other's presence.


Hey Guys 🌸

•How was the chapter? What's your opinion on Mrs Gupta's friends?

•How many of you agree with what Mrs Gupta said? Well I do 🙋‍♀️
It should be a mutual decision between a couple about having a baby or when involving themselves in the phase of parenthood.

•This book is approaching to it's end soon. Does anyone want to suggest any names for their future child?

Till Then
See Ya!!

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