17. Taking A Break

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Anusha never knew that the feeling of regret could be this heavy, she had done multiple mistakes and she had a regret for all of them however the major regret which was making her suffocate was her unsuccessful attempt of confessing her love. She chuckled bitterly and felt herself to be the most unlucky person on the earth.

The moment Anusha heard that Abhay is aware of the entire truth she started running hurriedly in search of her husband. She was dreading of all the possible negative outcomes however she was more afraid of what Abhay might do or say.

Anusha ran out of the hospital and huffed a little because of all the running she did in the hospital corridor. In the extreme corner she could see a broad silhouette, which was of her husband itself. Anusha took slow and gentle steps towards Abhay, while her eyes were wet with tears. There were so many negative thoughts and insecurities clouded inside her heart however the thing which hurted her most was Abhay's facial expression. He seemed as if he has seen some ghost, his eyes were reflecting dullness, pain, anger and betrayal.

"Abhay---" Anusha whispered slowly however was taken aback when she saw how her husband's figure was trembling a bit. His body was radiating fury and anxiousness.

"Do you have anything to say?" Abhay spoke however Anusha could clearly make out the harshness in her husband's voice.

Anusha swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to control her tears, though she wanted to sob loudly however she knew that her husband is giving her a chance to speak her side of truth and with that single thought she decided to reveal her perspective.

"I was in my college when I met him, he was my senior, the communication between us started to grow slowly and gradually and with passing days the attraction between us also increased. He used to shower me with expensive gifts, used to take me to luxurious restaurants and he and his friends always used to praise me for doing whatever they say. I always wanted to have someone who would love me dearly, who would cherish me till the end of the life and when I met him, I thought probably he is the one for me. I started liking the way he used to give me attention, I liked the way his friends became my friends and their praises used to give my ego a boost.

My attraction for him got converted into love and all I could see in front of myself was only him. I was too much influenced by his style of living, by his perspective that I forgot my own view point. When I got my first job, I was extremely happy and me being a fool decided to spend my first salary on my so called boyfriend. Instead of spending my days with my family I wasted my time and energy on him. Instead of enjoying every second of my life with my parents, I started ruining my life because of this so called Love.

I had never shared this with my parents but on the day when we completed one year into our relationship, my so called ex boyfriend tried to influence me into getting intimate with him however that day somehow I was able to divert his attention towards something else. I was always conflicted when I was in a relationship with him, I didn't want to leave him but I also never wanted to take the next move in our Relationship.

My parents tried to bring his real identity in front of me, but me being a fool decided to have faith in him instead of my parents. My parents told me that he is involved in some illegal activities but the moment he denied all those accusations I thought that probably my parents misunderstood him.

My parents tried to make me understand about his actual truth and the secrets which he was hiding however I didn't trust my parents and started blaming them. When my parents asked me to marry you I thought that the entire universe was probably against me and was trying to tie me in a relationship where I would never fall in love however I made a huge mistake when I ignored you, when I hurt you unintentionally, when I made you suffer just like how I made my parents suffer.

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