8. Day 2 - Love is about consideration

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It was a serene silence between Abhay and Anusha, after their little confession Anusha made herself comfortable on the bed, while Abhay sat on the couch placed in their hotel room. Their hearts were fluttering with numerous emotions , they wanted to have long conversations between them but both were feeling a bit hesitant and diffident.

Abhay cleared his throat and whispered "So what would you like to do in these 14 days? Do you want to visit any specific location first?"

"If you ask me I would like to visit an amusement park, I would love to go shopping, I would love to do water activities and to visit all the famous areas of Shimla." Anusha said excitedly making Abhay smile but for a second some of the activities which Anusha wanted to do made Abhay uncomfortable but he successfully hid his uncomfort from Anusha and mentally made a note to fulfill all the wishes of Anusha.

"What are you thinking?" Anusha questioned meekly. She was still in a daze. Whatever happened today, had brought a complete different perspective of life in front of her.

"Nothing much it's already too late, let's decide about tomorrow's plan in the morning." Abhay said and made his way towards the bed.

Anusha shifted towards the left corner of the bed and Abhay took the right side, as usual they laid a few cushions between them.

"Good Night." Anusha spoke making Abhay freeze. This was all new for his poor heart, be was not able to handle all these changes in Anusha's behaviour but he was not complaining. This is what he always wanted-- his partner's care, attention and love.

"Sweet dreams Anusha." Abhay replied.

Anusha turned towards the other side, her back was towards Abhay, she was still feeling giddy all over. Only she knows how much she is cursing herself right now. If only she had known that life after marrying Abhay would be so different, she would have never made it difficult for both of them.

She was told that a relationship is about your self, about your choices, about your comfort, about your luxuries but only after meeting Abhay she realised how wrong she was. Abhay had always thought about her comfort, taste and preferences and now it was Anusha's time to return that respect and adoration which she was receiving since so long from her husband.

Anusha knew that she has a long way to go, she had hurt her husband because of her past experiences and because of her bratty attitude but she was determined to make her place in Abhay's heart. With that determination and positive approach Anusha allowed sleep to take over her with a contented smile on her face.


Early morning in Shimla was like a beautiful dream for Abhay, he was awake from past half an hour and was staring at the beautiful scenery from the attached balcony of his room. He was lost in the magnificent view when he heard soft footsteps approaching him. He turned aound and saw Anusha had wrapped up the blanket around her making her seem so adorable.

"Good morning early bird." Anusha spoke making Abhay chuckle.

"Good Morning to you too." Abhay replied while looking at Anusha. She was also staring at the outside view while her body had started shivering because of the cold weather. Abhay took a notice of it and asked Anusha to come inside the room.

"Let's get ready, I have decided a place for us to visit, but remember to wear warm clothes, the weather is cold today." Abhay advised cautiously hoping that Anusha takes it positively and to his utmost surprise, Anusha nodded her head cutely and made a thumbs-up indicating that she had acknowledged his advice.

Abhay was glad that Anusha was trying hard to make their relation work because if it would have been the old Anusha, she would have definitely thrown a tantrum saying that she would wear whatever she desires and Abhay should not control her.

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