16. Hidden Secrets

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It was around six in the evening when both the Gupta and Kapoor families were waiting for the doctor's report regarding Mr Kapoor's health.

The doctor was treating the patient in the ICU, after some time he came out of the Intensive care unit and stood in front of Mr Kapoor's family members. The doctor had a report in his hand which had all the information on Mr Kapoor's health status.

"He is out of danger now, we have treated him and within some time we will shift him in the special ward. Only one person at a time is allowed to meet him. Make sure to not cause any stress to him as he is still healing." The doctor said making everyone happy and went away after leaving a polite smile towards all the people standing in front of him.

"Anusha once your father is shifted in the ward, you can go and meet him first." Mrs Kapoor said while looking at her daughter.

"But Mom it should be you who should meet him first." Anusha replied and saw her mother smiling back at her.

"I don't want to hold him more from meeting you, he was yearning to see you, speak to you since so long and now that you are so near your father, I want you to meet him first." Mrs Kapoor said to which Mrs Gupta agreed and encouraged Anusha to have a much needed conversation with her father.

Once Mr Kappor was shifted in the separate ward everyone encouraged and asked Anusha to meet her father first. Abhay also motioned her towards her father's room and asked her to stay strong.

The moment Anusha ambled inside the ward, she felt a deep pain in her heart to see her father's current condition. He was lying on the bed while many wires were attached with his body. She slowly sauntered towards her father's figure and sat on the adjacent chair.

"I am so sorry dad, I am really ashamed and baffled with my actions. I am extremely sorry however I promise you that I will improve myself. I deeply regret for my foolishness and my inhumane behaviour towards you and Mom, I request you to please forgive me. I can't even look at myself because of the guilt clouding inside my heart.

I know that my actions have hurt you both and have caused so much pain. You were right when you called me a fool, I was such a fool to fall in love with him.

I thought I was doing everything right because everyone called me cool and everyone favoured me. When other's acknowledged me and praised me I thought that I was doing absolutely great but I forgot that in this entire process I was hurting my own people. You kept on warning me but I thought you didn't like me enjoying my life but after all these months I have realised that it was me who was wrong I am so sorry dad.

When I look back at my life, I feel so ashamed of myself, I can't even believe that I have disrespected the man who had struggled so much just to provide me with a better life. I am so sorry for ignoring all your warnings, I am so sorry for believing a man who was just using me instead of my own father who always thought about my betterment." Anusha finished her little speech and kept on crying continuously.

On the other hand Abhay's parents had went back to their homes to take some rest while Abhay was sitting besides Mrs Kapoor.

Their were many questions surroundings Abhay's mind, he wanted to inquire those questions from Anusha but the curiosity within him was not allowing him to sit in peace.

Mrs Kapoor saw how Abhay was fidgeting in his place and laid her hands on his shoulder.

"Are you alright son?" Mrs Kapoor questioned.

"Yeah! Mom, I am alright, I was just thinking about something." Abhay mumbled.

"Well what were you thinking about?" Mrs Kapoor questioned further.

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