28. Teaching a Lesson

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After sobbing for so long in her husband's arms, Anusha was currently much calm and composed and was sitting on her bed, waiting patiently for Abhay. The incident which had happened with her earlier today had left her in a terrified state. She didn't had the courage to confess what she had faced with Abhay however she was thankful that Abhay's persistence had made her utter the words which she was dreading to speak.

Times like these make Anusha feel so elated to have a partner like Abhay for herself. His selfless behaviour and strong urge to protect his family had always won Anusha's heart.

"Hey! I am back with your favourite hot coffee." Abhay mumbled while making his way towards the bed. He placed the two cup of coffees on the side table and encouraged Anusha to taste it.

"Tell me how is it?" Abhay questioned smilingly making Anusha feel giddy all over.

"It's delicious." Anusha replied genuinely while drinking the hot coffee.

"I am glad you liked it." Abhay said and both of them continued to drink their coffee's. There was a peaceful silence surrounding them which made them feel contended with each other's presence.

"Tomorrow I'll accompany you to your office." Abhay said suddenly making Anusha flinch.

"Why---?" Anusha mumbled silently.

Abhay sighed and reduced the space between them, he shifted a little closer towards his wife and cupped her face delicately.

"We can't sit and allow people like your assistant to harass and assualt other's. What he did is a punishable act, that's a crime which he has committed. I can't see you being terrified because of those disturbing memories. We have to teach him a lesson." Abhay said firmly while looking in his wife's doe eyes.

"No!" Anusha uttered feeling frightened.

"No! No--No, We can't, we won't do anything. I can't go against him, or else he'll keep on tormenting me." Anusha yelled while tears started flowing through her eyes.

"Look at me Anusha, look at me baby." Abhay whispered slowly while trying to embrace Anusha in his arms who was continuously mumbling something incoherently.

"Anusha even if he has blackmailed you, he won't be able to do anything to you. I assure you that. I won't let him breathe in the same space as of yours. People like him deliberately threaten women to keep quiet about the harrassment they have faced because men like him, know that many women keep quiet or chose to be quiet because of numerous fear in their hearts." Abhay said gently trying to make Anusha understand his perspective.

"But--but Abhay what will people say? They'll laugh at me if they find out that my junior had harassed me, they'll laugh at me that I was not able to fight against someone who is younger than me. This society will only blame me, that I was probably not behaving appropriately or I might have provoked him to act like that towards me--" Anusha started rambling and to say Abhay was extremely hurt would be an understatement. Abhay Knows and understands what sort of pain his wife is going through. The society is such that they have forced women to think in a particular way. Abhay exhaled heavily, and warpped his arms around Anusha's fragile body trying to calm her down.

"I don't care what society thinks or will think, neither should you care about their conservative opinions. Age doesn't matter Anusha, harrassment is a crime and age cannot prevent this henious crime. I trust you and I know that you are nowhere to be blamed for this, rather it's that man who has to be punished.

Don't allow your fears to overpower your senses, and stop questioning yourself. Whatever happened is none of your fault and I understand that many women often try to keep quiet or avoid such incidents because the society thinks that it was and will always be a women's fault. Stop giving this society the rights to make decisions for you. I can understand that just like other females, you are also feeling scared that what if people will think you are just overreacting, or being oversensitive, or trying to act weak or probably playing a victim card. From centuries women have heard these sort of disturbing words against themselves.

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