25. Love Triumphs over all Evils

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Fear is an extremely dangerous emotion, it hampers the ability of our mind to think broadly and take correct decisions. It can often lead people to a path which has anger, resentment and hate at the end. Abhay was also going through the same phase, currently the fear inside him had shut his mind and was making him furious.

His wife was inside the operation room and doctors were continuously treating her. All the members of Gupta and Kapoor family were standing besides Abhay in this crucial time, however despite that nobody was able to provide Abhay the comfort he was seeking for.

All Abhay wanted to do was to cry and scream and let out all his pent up feelings because those feelings were killing him from inside. He was still not able to process the current situation, it was just 24 hours before everything was well. Both of them were extremely happy but within few hours everything turned upside down. After bringing Anusha to the hospital, Abhay had notified the police and quick actions were also taken. Abhay had given the address of the hotel were he found his wife in unconscious state and luckily Vicky was still lying injured over there on the floor. Though the police had arrested him but the entire story behind his wife's accident was yet to be revealed.

"Bro the police inspector had called me and was informing that Vicky had accepted all his wrong doings and he has also admitted that he and Komal both were behind Bhabhi's accident. Police has traced Komal from the location which Vicky had shared." Rohan said to Abhay and saw his elder brother getting infuriated at the additional information.

"I'll kill that woman." Abhay whispered and hurriedly stood from his place however was interupted by his mother.

"Abhay where do you think you are going? Let the Police do their work, they know what to do with the criminals." Mrs Gupta said but saw how Abhay stood unaffected by her words.

"Mom I need to talk with those two but in my absence please look after Anusha." Abhay said and quickly headed towards the police station.


It was after a 40 minute long drive, Abhay reached the police station along with Karan.

"Hello Inspector!" Abhay greeted the senior officer while walking inside the station.

"Hello Mr Abhay, I was informed by your younger brother that you would be coming over here." The inspector added.

"Yes Sir! Can I please speak to Vicky and Komal who are behind my wife's accident I want to have a word with them." Abhay stated firmly.

"Sure! Both of them are in our inspection room and my constable will take you to them." The senior officer said making Abhay bow down in acknowledgement.

Abhay and Karan followed the constable and within a minute both the brothers were standing in front of the inspection room where Komal and Vicky were currently being cross questioned further.

The constable sauntered inside the room and asked one of the officer who was sitting inside to move out providing some time and space to Abhay.

"Finally you came back Abhay. I knew you would come back to me." Komal giggled maniacally.

"Why Komal? Why did you decided to stoop so low? After doing so much of plotting and planning what did you achieved at the end Komal? This prison?" Abhay questioned while glaring at both of the convicts.

"You are asking me what I have got after doing so much of plotting? You are so naive Abhay because it is only me who has achieved so much at the end. Just look at you? Abhay you are standing here alone without your wife and that is what I wanted. I wanted to separate both of you and that's exactly what I did. The day when I left Gupta mansion because of your wife I had promised myself to take my revenge on Anusha and that's how I got in contact with Vicky.

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