Chapter 1: Introduction

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"The number one rule in my family? Honor your parents."

"They're the supreme beings who gave you life, who sweated and sacrificed so much to put a roof over your head, food on your plate, an epic amount of food."

"The least you can do in return is...every single thing they ask."

"Course, some people are like, 'Be careful. Honoring your parents sounds great, but if you take it too far, well, you might forget to honor yourself.'"

"Luckily, I don't have that problem."


A young boy of 13 was strutting down the street with his backpack on his back and a flute case in his hands. The had short black hair, round glasses, and was wearing blue jeans, sneakers and a red sweater.

"I'm Mei-Shan Lee."

(Author's Note: It's a real boys name, I looked it up.)

"And ever since I turned 13, I've been doing my own thing. Making my own moves, 24/7, 365."

"I wear what I want..."

He gestured to a tamagotchi clipped to his backpack strap.

"Say what I want..."

He gestured to his flute case that had multiple stickers on it. The biggest one being a sticker that says, "This Guy Loves Math."

"...and I will not hesitate to do a spontaneous cartwheel if I feel so moved."

Mei-Shan tried to do a cartwheel, but he got halfway up before his backpack fell off and all his stuff spilled out.

"Oh, crap." He quickly stuffed everything back in his bag as the people around him gave him weird looks.


Mei-Shan climbed onto a street car.

"Not to brag, but being 13 mean I'm a officially a grown up."

He whipped out a transportation commission card.

"At least according to the Toronto Transit Commission."

"Good for you." The bus driver said awkwardly.


Mei-Shan pulled out his Algebra book and started doing some problems while he was riding the bus.

"All about that hustle, am I right?" He asked the man sitting next to him, who looked around uncomfortably.


Mei-Shan threw open the door to his school, his flute case hanging from his mouth.

"Besties, assemble!" He yelled.


A girl with braces and a wool hat was standing in front of her open locker eating chips. When she heard her name, she turned to face him.

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