Chapter 3: Humiliation

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Mei was in his room doing his math homework and listening to the CD (Y/n) had given him and singing along to on of the songs. He was also drawing little doodles all along his homework, and one of them was a girl he had drawn in the bottom right corner.

"Hmm. Kinda looks like (Y/n)." He said to himself.

Then he scoffed. "I don't get what she sees in that Devon guy anyway. I mean I could treat her so much better then he ever could."

Mei kept adding details to (Y/n)'s outfit.

"She's probably not his type anyway. I mean why would he be into girls with (h/l), soft, flawless (h/c) hair...and bright, beautiful (e/c) eyes stars."

Mei slowly took off his head phones and stared intently at the drawing he made, and it winked at him.

Mei's eyes widened, and he picked up the notepad and held it in front of his face.

He slowly turned around in his chair and stood up, clutching the notebook to his chest. He moved over to his bed and sat down on the floor. He placed his notebook on the floor next to him and then immediately picked it back up and held it to his chest.

He flipped onto his side and rolled underneath his bed and started drawing as if he was on some sort of autopilot. He looked down and saw that he had drawn a picture of him and  (Y/n) together. In the drawing, Mei had large muscles and was holding (Y/n) to his chest, and stroking her hair.

Mei chuckled to himself and drew several more drawings on multiple pages. The more he drew the more intense he got, and sweat started running down his face.

"Mei-Mei." His mother called.

Mei gasped and hit his head on his bed frame from shock. He quickly scrambled out form under his bed and jumped on top of it, trying to act casual. He glanced down and noticed that the notebook was sticking out, but he couldn't grab it in time before his mother entered.

"Do you want a snack?" She asked, holding a plate of food.

"Cool, great, thanks." He responded quickly.

'Don't look at the notebook, don't look at the notebook, don't!' He thought to himself, beads of sweat running down his face.

His mother looked at him oddly, and he tried to maintain eye contact with her, but his eyes swiftly glanced down to the notebook.


Ming looked down and saw the notebook sticking out form under his bed.

"Oh." She placed the plate on his nightstand and picked up the notebook. "Is this your homework?"


She opened the notebook and a look of shock appeared on her face. "Oh. Oh my."


"What...what is..."

"Do not."

"Huh? What?"


"Oh! Oh. Huh? Huh?" His mother gagged.

"Mei-Mei, what is this?!" She asked, horrified.

"It's nothing. Just a girl. She's no one." He quickly replied.

"A girl?! Who is she?! Did she do these things to you?!" Ming pointed to a page where (Y/n) was stroking Mei's cheek.

"No! It's just made up, Mom!" Mei tried to grab the notebook back, but Ming wouldn't let go. "It's not real!"

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