Chapter 13: The Concert

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Mei ran down the streets on all fours dodging people and cars. He came across the street car and poofed back into his human form which launched him up into the air. A look of realization crossed his face and he used his poofing skills to propel himself across the buildings, all the way to the SkyDome.

Mei jumped through the open roof of the dome and looked for his friends. He spotted them and launched himself towards them. He landed with a poof and his friend turned and saw him standing their.

"Mei! You're here!" Abby cheered.

"What are you doing here?" Miriam asked.

"I couldn't do it. The Pandas a part of me, and you guys are too."

"Mei, you threw us under the bus." (Y/n) said angrily, and turned away from him.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I've been like, obsessed with my moms approval my whole life. I couldn't take losing it, but, losing you and the guys feels even worse." He confessed.

"Well, too bad. Cause you did." (Y/n) snapped, not looking at him.

Mei wiped a tear that fell down his cheek and went to walk away, but he heard Robaire Junior buzzing and (Y/n) groaned.

"Robaire Junior?" Mei asked.

"She's been taking care of him 24/7." Priya snitched.

"No!" (Y/n) covered Priya's mouth.

"And singing him lullabies every night!" Abby tattles.

"No, no, no, I haven't!" (Y/n) covered Abby's mouth too. "They're lying!"

"(Y/n)..." Miriam gave her a knowing look.

She sighed and handed him back to Mei. "Here. Found him at Tyler's."

Mei took the toy and pressed one of the buttons.

"4-Town forever?" He asked sheepishly.

(Y/n) sighed and smiled. "4-Town forever."

She pulled him into a tight hug and the other girls joined in.

"Tyler?!" Miriam exclaimed.

They all turned around and saw Tyler walking around with a bunch of 4-Town merchandise. He saw them looking at him and tried to hide his face and disguise his voice.

"No! Tyler? Who's Tyler? I don't know a..."

"You are a 4-Townie?!" Mei pointed at him, while the others looked completely shocked.

They suddenly started cheering and rushed to hug him.

"No! Stop!" He screeched. "Whatever, dorks! Cut it out!"

"Your mom must have gone nuclear." Miriam nudged Mei's shoulder.

"Who cares? What's she gonna do? Ground me?" He mocked, and they all burst out laughing.

Once they stopped, Mei turned to (Y/n). "So...(Y/n)? Um...are you still interested in going here as...more than friends?"

(Y/n) thought for a moment. "Hmm...that depends...are you planning on ditching me again?"

"No!" He said desperately.

She chuckled. "Then yes, I am."

Mei smiled and grabbed her hand and she squeezed back.

Suddenly, the lights got dark and everyone turned towards the stage, and started chanting for 4-Town.

A giant hand appeared on a screen, holding up four fingers and it started counting down and the crowd counted down with it.


The hand disappeared and five cages rose up out of the ground, with each member of 4-Town in one, all dress in white clothes.

"Are you ready?!"

Aaron T. kicked his cage open and hopped out, posing.

"Oh my gosh!" Miriam squealed.

Aaron Z. did some cool basketball moves and his cage burst open as he shot a basket.

"Aaron Z! I love you man!" Tyler shouted.

Tae Young punched through his cage, made a peace sign with his hands and winked at the crowd.

"Tae Young!" Abby cooed.

Jesse kissed two of his fingers and pressed them to the cage which burst open.

"Jesse!" Priya shuddered.

Robaire pressed his hand to his mic. "Toronto! Who knows what's up?!"

Robaire's cage burst open, and all six kids gasped, and started sobbing.

"You want it?!" Robaire asked

"I want it!" The crowd responded.

"You want it?!"

"I want it!"

"You want it?!"

"I want it!"

"Give me one, two, three, four!"

The boys all sprouted angel wings and rose into the air.

"You wanted it, you went for it, and baby you got it!"

Mei and his friends gasped in awe and screamed with joy.

"I wanted it, I went for it, and baby I did it on my o-o-o-o-own!"

Mei's friends rushed forward as the group flew lower to the crowd.

"Did it on my o-o-o-o-own!"

(Y/n) was about to rush after them, but Mei grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and interlocked their fingers.


(Y/n) stopped and turned to look into his eyes and it was as if time slowed down.

"Did it on my own!"

Mei and (Y/n) started to lean closer and closer to each other, Mei closed his eyes and prepared for the best moment of his entire life.


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