Chapter 9: Reinforcements

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Outside on the basketball court, Mei and his friends were sitting on the bleachers making panda key chains. Miriam was busy scoping out the basketball players.

"Check out Number 12. He's got delts for days." Miriam said, nudging Abby.

"Forget that. I need lunch. I'm starting to blackout!" Abby screamed, before passing out.

"I think I'm getting carpal tunnel." Priya whined.

"No pain, no gain Priya. Come on, chop chop." Mei told her.

"Mei, chill out." (Y/n) said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah. We're doing our best." Abby added.

"It's not enough!" Mei snapped, sprouting ears and tail and furry hands. "The concerts this Saturday and we're still 100 short! Ugh! I knew we should've charged more for photos! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

(Y/n) grabbed hold of his face and turned it towards her. "Mei, breathe. It's gonna be okay." She reassured.


(Y/n) cut him off. "What's the point of going to the concert if you're gonna be too tired to dance with me?" She asked, before her eyes widened a little. "A-And Miriam, Priya and Abby...Of course, cause they're...also gonna be there..." She quickly added, her face turning a bit red.

Mei's eyes widened a bit at what she said. Did she just say she'd want to dance with him? Just him?

"(Y/n)'s right. You should really take a break." Miriam cut in. "(Y/n), come help me appreciate some boys."

Miriam wrapped her arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders and directed her attention to the boys on the basketball court.

Mei couldn't help the jealousy rising in his chest when the boys started calling out for her attention.

"Hey, I think Number 12 has got a thing for you, (Y/n)." Miriam nudged her shoulder playfully. "Why don't you go talk to him?"

Mei's brows furrowed and his expression soured.

"Nah, jocks aren't really my type. I like smart guys." She shrugged, her eyes glancing over to Mei.

Mei's face went completely red, and his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets. She couldn't possibly be talking about him? Could she? Did she like him back?

"But jocks are so much smoother than nerds." Abby argued.

"Hey, nerds can be smooth." Mei countered.

"Oh, really? Give (Y/n) your best pick up line." Miriam challenged.

"What?!" Mei chuckled nervously.

"Go on." Miriam's face radiates with smugness.

Mei glared at her before shaking his head to get rid of his nerves.

"Are you a triangle? Cause you acute!" He pointed finger guns at her.

(Y/n) blushed and giggled at his line, and everyone else laughed to.

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