Chapter 7: The Breakthrough

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The next day, the family closed the temple. Ming was busy vacuuming up all the red fur on the ground. They heard thumping and grunting from Mei's room and the thumping caused things to fall over. Ming rushed to save a picture of a little Mei before it broke.


Back in his room, Mei was ramming into the wall, to make himself poof back into his human form.


He leapt off his mattress and onto the floor to get rid of his panda arm.


He yanked on his ears so hard he fell to the floor. The ears poofed away and Mei groaned as he crawled on the floor.

"Please...just...go away." He whimpered.

He curled up into a ball on the floor.


"No! Why? Why?"

A knock sounded on his window and Mei jolted up.

"Mei, it's us! Open up!" (Y/n) voice called out.

"Crud no!" He whispered. Luckily, his curtains were closed so they couldn't see him.

"Guys what are you doing? Go away!" He yelled at them.

"Are you okay? Tap if you can hear us." Priya said.

"One for yes, two for no!" Abby yelled aggressively.

"We were so worried! We thought you died of embarrassment." Miriam told him.

"Mei? Are you feeling okay? I didn't give you my cold did I?" (Y/n) asked nervously.

"You need more deodorant? I brought extra." Priya said.

"Forget that! 4-Town's coming to Toronto!" Abby screeched, holding up a flyer.

Mei threw opened the curtains. "Really?!"

The four girls screamed, which made Mei scream. He grabbed them and pulled them through the window and hugged them to his chest, muffling their screams.

"Everybody quiet! Everybody, it's just me! Shut up! It's okay! It's Mei! Calm down, alright? I'm gonna let go and you're gonna be chill. Got that?" He looked down at his friends (and crush) who had stopped screaming.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Chill." He emphasized.

He gently put his friends down, and everyone was silent for a minute.

"Are you a werewolf?" Priya asked.

"No! What?"

"He is a Red Panda!" Abby squealed.

"Sick." Priya deadpanned

"You're so fluffy! You're so fluffy!" Abby buried her face into Mei's stomach.

Priya went behind him and felt his tail. "I've always wanted a tail."

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