Chapter 15: The End

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Mei gasped and panted as he looked around. He was back in the bamboo forest.

"Mom? Mom!" He called running to find her.

He heard some sobbing in the distance and ran towards the sound. He found a girl on her knees sobbing into her hands.

"Mom? Are you okay? We have to..."

Ming looked up and Mei gasped. His mother looked around his age with glasses, her red hair down, wearing a collared shirt and a plaid skirt.


"I'm sorry. It's all my fault." She sobbed.

"What happened?"

"I...I hurt her."


"My mom! I got so angry, and I lost control. I'm just so sick of being perfect! I'm never gonna be good enough for her. Or anyone." She cried.

Mei tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I know it feels that way. Like, all the time. isn't true." He told her.

Mei stood up and held his hand out for his mom. "Come on."

Ming grabbed his hand and together they walked through the bamboo forest to meet up with the rest of his family. As they walked, Ming turned from a kid, to a young adult, to a normal adult. Mei looked back at her and Ming sheepishly wiped a tear away.

They made it to the clearing where the rest of his family was panicking about where they are.

"We have to find them!"

"Where are they?"

They all turned and saw Mei and Ming approaching and rushed towards them.


"Hurry, hurry!"

"Where have you been?"

"Come on!"

"Let's get the lead out!"


They all separated and Ming's mother walked towards her. The two looked at each other for a moment, before Mei's grandma embraced Ming.

"I'm sorry!" Ming said.

"Shh! You don't have to apologize. I'm your mother." She then turned to Mei. "May Sun Yee guide you, and keep you safe. One at a time ladies. And quickly."

They all lined up in front of the portal.

"That's it? Mei-Mei's keeping the panda?"

"It's his life. Now move."

One by one, Mei's aunties and his grandma entered the portal and their red panda spirits came out of the portal and disappeared back into the forest.

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