Chapter 10: Tyler's Party

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At Tyler's house, everyone was sitting around looking board as Tyler bounced his leg impatiently. Mei was almost 45 minutes late.

Tyler groaned "Where is he?" He asked Miriam, (Y/n), Abby and Priya.

Miriam chuckled nervously. "Who's up for some boggle?"


Mei was being surrounded by his aunties as they shoved gifts in his hands and food in his mouth.

"Eat. You need your strength for the ritual."

"Thank you aunties." Mei mumbled.

"What a surprise that you all came so early." Ming commented.

"You need all the help you can get Ming." He mother said. "So, Mei-Mei, you've been managing to keep the panda in?"

"Yep. Totally." He replied.

"Really?" Lily scoffed.

"What's that Lily?" Ming snapped.

"Well, it's a little hard to believe that Mei-Mei could control such a beast. He's just a child."

"It's true." One of them cut in. "And if Mei-Mei's panda is anything like Ming's..."

They all shuddered at the thought.

"Mei-Mei's better than any of us at controlling the panda. He passed every trigger test. Even the kitten box." Ming bragged.

Mei's aunties gasped with shock and pride.

"He just thinks of my love for him, and it gives him the strength to stay calm."

"Exactly." Mei said guiltily.

All four women cooed at that.

Mei faked a yawn and stood up. "Anyway, thanks for all the gifts, but I think I'll go to bed early. Keeping that animal locked down sure takes a lot of energy."

"Okay sweetie. Get some rest." Ming told him.

"Night everyone!"

His family all bid him goodnight and Mei rushed off.


Mei scurried into his room and shoved all the gifts in his drawer. He then shoved a bunch of pillows and stuffed animals under his blankets to make it look like he was in there. He opened the window to climb out, but realized he forgot his streetcar card.

He grabbed it off his dresser, knocking a picture frame over. Mei tossed his shoes out the window, and was about to climb out of it, when there was a knock on his door. Mei tripped over his bed, but quickly stood back up just as his grandma walked in.

"Mei-Mei, can I have a word with you?" She asked.

"Uh, sure. What's up?"

She pulled out a cloth that contained some red panda hair.

"I found this. Strange for a boy who hasn't let his panda out."

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