Chapter 11: Everything Goes Wrong

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Mei shoved a piece of Tyler's birthday cake in his mouth and chomped loudly on it as he sat on the roof with his friends.

"Yeah! We did it! We are seeing 4-Town!" Mei cheered.

Miriam, Abby, Priya and (Y/n) all cheered with him.

"Hey, has anyone seen Mei?" They heard Tyler ask.

"Dang, he is working you." Priya said.

"What a diva!" Abby growled.

"It'll all be worth it." Mei sighed, as he changed back into his human form and laid down on the roof, his friends doing the same.

"Tomorrow, we are walking into that concert kids, and coming out, adults."

Miriam gasped at the thought. "Literally, goosebumps."

"Hmm. What do you think Jesse smells like?" Priya asked.

Miriam took a deep breath. "Milk chocolate and wet rocks.

All the girls sighed at that. Mei's toy device beeped, and he pulled it out.

"It's happening Robaire Junior! You're finally gonna meet your father!"

"And your hot uncles!" Abby added, shaking her upper body, causing them all to laugh.

"Mei, what if you didn't do the ritual? What if you kept the panda?" (Y/n) asked, turning to face him.

"What?" Mei looked at her incredulously.

"Look at you!" Miriam cut in. "You're not the same feather dusting, straight A, goody goody..."

"Who we never saw, like, ever." Priya added.

"You're such a rebel now!" (Y/n) said.

Mei sat up. "Guys, I can't be like this forever. My whole family would freak. Especially my mom. All her hopes and dreams are pinned on me."

(Y/n) sat up and placed her hand over his. "I know. But you've really changed and...I think this new you looks good. I'm proud of you. But maybe...don't get rid of all of it?"

Mei blushed and looked down at their hands touching. He looked back up and stared into her bright (e/c) eyes and a wave of courage suddenly came over him.

"H-Hey, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, Mei?"

"I was wondering...if you wanted to...go to the concert...with me?" He tensed up waiting for her answer.

Miriam, Abby, and Priya all sat up immediately and looked at Mei with shock.

"Umm...Aren't I coming with you anyways? Isn't that the whole point of coming to this party?" She asked, amused.

"Well, yes...but...right now, we were just planning on going as friends...I'm asking wanted to go with more than...that."

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