Chapter 6: The Inconvenience

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Mei let out a huge scream and a huge cloud of smoke covered him and he turned into the Red Panda. He roared loudly, and the smoke expanded over the whole classroom, knocking students into the windows, and sending desks flying back.

Mei panted angrily and he looked over and saw his mother staring at him with wide eyes. The teacher opened the window to clear the room out and Mei gasped and ran away. Thankfully, everyone was too busy coughing from the smoke that nobody else saw him.

"Mei-Mei!" Ming climbed through into the classroom through the window and began chasing after him.


Mei ran through the halls, bumping into things, and he ducked into the bathrooms, knocking some kids over in the process. He closed the door and pushed a garbage can in front of the handle to seal himself in. He backed away from the door but froze when a stall opened up and a girl walked out.

She gasped and looked up at him. "O-M-G!"

Mei out his paw over her face and slid her back into the stall. The door to the bathroom rattled, as someone was trying to get in.

"Hey, I gotta go! Open up!"

Mei panicked and squeezed through the bathroom window, and ran away. His mother saw him from inside and ran in the other direction.

Mei burst through the side gate and started running home just as his mother came out of the front doors. "Mei-Mei! Stop!" She cried as Mei disappeared around the corner.

She jumped into her car and started racing after him, while she called Jin on the phone.

"Jin. Jin, get home now. There's been an emergency!"

"Is it the adult thing?"

"No! Another one!"


Mei ran through alleyway and appeared right in front of two people who screamed in fear.


"It's a monster!"

Mei turned around and ran into someone sipping coffee and tried to squeeze through another alley, but his butt got stuck. He managed to pull himself in, and slowly squish his way to the other side.

He waddled in front of the Daisy Mart, pulling leaves out of his fur, when he looked in and saw (Y/n) in there buying medicine.

He stomped his foot on the ground multiple times. "Awooga!" He exclaimed before covering his mouth and running away.

"Huh?" (Y/n) turned to the window but saw that there was no one there. She shrugged and went back to buying her medicine.


Mei ran down the street and hid behind a car and someone on a skateboard rode by. He tried to cross the street, but almost got ran over by a woman driving a car. She slammed in the brakes, causing the cars behind her to bump into each other.

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