Chapter 5: A Bad Day at School

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Ming and Mei pulled up to the front of the school with Mei wearing a woolen hat to cover his hair.

"I know it feels strange Mei-Mei, but I promise, no one will notice a thing."

"Thank you for your concern, Mother. But I'll be fine." Mei said robotically.

"Well, here's your lunch. I packed extra snacks. And herbal tea. For mood swings. It helps relax you."

"I got it, thank you. Bye." Mei grabbed his backpack, and stepped out of the car.

Mei sighed, and turned back to his mother and gave her two hesitant thumbs up. Ming smiled and waved at him and drove off.

Mei approached the front doors of his school. He took a deep breath before opening them and stepping into the busy hallway.

His eyes scanned the crowd and he found his friends Miriam, Priya, and Abby. They all turned and saw him.

"Hey Mei." Miriam greeted.

"Hey there friends. What is up?" He said awkwardly as he passed them.

The three followed him.

"Uh, what's with the tuque?" Miriam asked.

Mei reached up and grabbed it. "Uh, bad hair day?"

Abby got a whiff of his pits. "Did you like, work out this morning?" She asked.

Mei shoved his hands in his armpits.

"I got you dude." Priya held out some deodorant.

Mei grabbed it and used it on his underarms.

"Mei, we gotta talk." Miriam urged.

"Okay." Mei started rubbing the deodorant on his face.

"Tyler's been telling everyone about the Daisy Mart."


"He said your mom went nuts." Abby chimed in.

"And that your kind of a perv." Priya added.

Mei grew angry. "I am not a-!" He paused and took a deep breath before turning to his friends.

"Tyler, is an insecure jerkwad. Words were exchanged. Slightly uncomfortable secrets were revealed. End of story..."

Mei slurred that last word and his eyes glossed over. He looked over at the school entrance and time seemed to slow down as he saw (Y/n) enter the building.

Romantic music played throughout the school and light glowed through the school doors as she opened them, illuminating her figure. She brushed her hair through her (h/c) locks and and looked at Mei with her striking (e/c) eyes.

"Uh, Mei?" Miriam waved her hand in front of Mei's face and he snapped back to reality.

"You we're zoned out staring at (Y/n) again." Miriam used her thumb to gesture to the girl.

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