Chapter 31

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Two of them made their way inside the office while arguing, the other members just quietly watched them before their eyes landed on the youngest.

"Aldan, you will be the first person to report today."

"Why me?"

"Well, we decided to start from youngest to oldest."

Aldan was about to argue when the door office opened again and called for the first person to report, before he knew it, he was kicked inside the room.

Rock: 28 years old
Cale: 14 years old

"You've been busy these days." An ancient dragon said.

He stares at the man figure who ignored him and only continues what he is doing, the dragon then looks at the burning sun behind the man.

The sun attracts the ancient dragon. For the sunset omit the same color as the hair of the two humans.

The sunset today is reddish-orange. It feels warm and peaceful.

"Take a break, bastard." The buzz cut dragon sound displeased. He harshly placed the teacup next to the 28 years old red haired busy man.

Rock whispered a thanks as he sipped the tea that was brewed by the buzz cut dragon himself.

Rasheel went back to his seat that is across the ancient dragon. He sat comfortably and started eating the cookies he found on the table.

The atmosphere in the room is so peaceful, the sight of the sunset made it even more warmer.

"Where's the young lad?"

The dragons have been at Rock's office since afternoon but they never saw nor felt the other red haired inside the inn.

"Why are you looking for that kid? You just saw him three days ago." Rasheel argues that the others take no notice of.

Rock finally took his eyes off his paperworks to respond to the gold ancient dragon. "He is on mission."

"Are you sure that his mission is not dangerous?"

"Mm. It is simply a looting mission."

The buzz cut dragon scoffed and muttered something that was heard by a human he is targetting. "Tch. Teaching a child to steal."

Rock only smiled and said, "Rasheel-nim, I heard that you teach my child a perfect way to kill someone?"

"Who said I teach him how to kill? I only teach him different kinds of acupuncture points, it could not only help him to find the easiest way to kill someone but also for medical purposes!"

"Then it would be helpful if you, dragon-nim, also teach him the anatomy of different living species."

"I, the great and mighty, are already doing that!" He proclaimed with pride.

That must be the reason Cale brings needles with him anytime, Rock thought.

Two years had already passed since the day he met the kid. He is now a tall fourteen years old child that stubbornly follows his father's step just like the ancient dragon once said when Eruhaben found out how the kid wanted to get involved in his father's group of assassins.

The once small and thin twelve years old Cale has grown well. He is now healthy and taller than he was before, maybe because of the monthly vegetables and fruits that were sent to the kid from their neighbors.

Moreover, for a kid, he has visible muscles that result from his training.

Within those two years, aside from Bud who taught him swordsmanship and Anthony who was his educational teacher, he was teached by different people. He has assassination lessons with Lux, Noah handled cooking lessons, Eruhaben teaches him to use spears and now, Rasheel also teaching him.

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