𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 ♡︎

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The sorting was boring but funny as I watched Theo fill his plate with almost all the food in sight once the feast began, I don't think anyone except Theo and Blaise saw their room seeing that they shared a dorm. Watching all the little first years made me smile, reminding me of when we all first started at Hogwarts. One little blonde girl almost threw up because of how nervous she was, but then she finally got sorted into Hufflepuff and that put a smile on her face.
"Yo, Ivy you coming?"
Theo asks me putting his hand out so that I can take it.
"Hm? Oh um yah let's go"
I guess I had dozed off and didn't notice.

We all ran to up to Theo's room
"Come on rosier, don't be such a slow poke" 
Blaise laughs and Theo picks me up throwing me over his shoulder.
" THEOOO!!" I laugh
"I think she can walk just fine Theodore, you can put her down now."
Mattheo decides to finally speaks looking over at the pair of us with an annoyed tone.
"what riddle, jealous?" Theo says with a mocking tone and a wide smirk on his face, Mattheo scoffs with a smirk running up the stairs into the dormitories a bit faster.
"She wishes"

What a child.

Theo and I laugh and we finally reach His and Blaise's dorm.

   Once we walk into their dorm we all sit in a circle in between both their beds, i sit next to pansy and we talk out how we hope we have the same dorm and other un-important things before Theo finally sits down with a blunt in his hand he lights it and places the small wood onto his lips inhaling and holding for a few seconds before exhaling and passing it to Blaise.
"Hm, not bad maybe muggle weed isn't as bad as I thought it would be" Theo says laying on the floor as Blaise takes a hit.
"Not at all" Blaise says coughing
I put my hand out for him to pass it to me but as Blaise is passing it to me Mattheo's stingy ass Snatches it from Blaise.
"What the fuck riddle, give me the fucking blunt" I say getting annoyed with his attitude today.
"Fuck no, let me enjoy it you don't need it anyways do you princess?" I look at him in shock speechless not knowing how to react.
"I- um.." are the only words that end up coming out.
"Mhm that's what I thought, now go make yourself useful and get me some whiskey, yah?" My mind is telling me to scream at him for calling me princess and ordering me around to do stuff but my body obliges to his words, without noticing I'm already standing up grabbing him a glass of fire whiskey.
"Ooo look at you finally listening, thank you for being a good girl" he says looking at me with a smirk.
What. The. Fuck
Theo raises an eye brow at me before I give him the glass and sit back down.
"Did I miss a chapter or are my ears hearing things" Malfoy says in a very confused tone, pansy and Blaise are both in as much shock as I am just staring between the two of us.
"Nope I definitely heard that to..." Theo says still confused. 
"You didn't miss anything she's just finally decided to listen to me for once" Mattheo says in the most cocky tone I think I have ever heard.
"Yah definitely "princess" and "good girl" are words you use when your asking someone for something" blaise says finally speaking after his long silence, Mattheo scoffs and takes a hit from the blunt.
After alittle while everyone is high asf and acting dumb and we all end up falling asleep in theo's room the last person I remember being up was Mattheo before I fell asleep on Blaise's bed while everyone was on the floor .

I wake up the next morning I wake up with a massive head ache and feel someone next to me with their arm around my waist, I gasp and look under the covers to make sure I'm still dressed, once I see I'm fully dressed I let out a sigh of relief and turn over to see who was sleeping with me my eyes widen once I see who it was
Mattheo Riddle.

AHHHH I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I really enjoyed writing it and the ending is just 😦. Mattheos starting to get a bit flirty let's see how that goes ;)

𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑( 𝐴 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+)Where stories live. Discover now