𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚎 ♡︎

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There's cheering from every corner in the room as we all sit in a circle like children and there he is..
Mattheo riddle...
He looks at me up and down as his eyes widen.
I roll my eyes at him and bring my attention to Theo who stumbles into the circle
"Heyyyyyy can I go first ?!"
Theo says sitting next to me, everyone nods and he begins
"Hmmmmm" he looks at Mattheo seeing he's tensing up while looking at me, he looks between us as I'm looking at Theo confused. A wide smirk appears on Theo's face as he chuckles drunkenly
"Yuu hoo ivyyy truth... or dareeee" he asks bitting his lip still trying not to laugh.

"I- umm dare.." I  says, my mouth gaps watching as Theo say "I dare you to kiss any guy of your choice in this room" he bursts into laughter like a child as I look at mattheo gulping, I see many boys almost on their feet ready for me to pick them but I choose one in specific.
Adrien Pucey.
I lean across the circle licking my lips and leaning into his lips kissing him, he didn't taste like Mattheo instead he tasted sweet like cola. Fucking hell I really shouldn't be comparing the two, thankfully he kisses back cupping my face as I unintentionally look at Mattheo who is staring at us with his hands balled up into a fist, I can tell he was breathing much faster as his chest rose and fell rapidly, I already knew this was theos plan to 'get me to kiss some guy to see if Mattheo would get jealous' but I honestly didn't mind, I wanted to see him get jealous. I pull away from the kiss wiping my my mouth kinda curling back up into my spot kinda regretting my choices,
"Soooo, mattheo...how you feeling?" Theo smirks raising his eyebrows at mattheo.
"I'm fine." Mattheo says in a husky voice as his veins pop out of his arm as he tightens his fist
"Oh so you wouldn't be mad if I do alittle something like this.." Theo says and whispers quickly to me 'sorry princess don't freak out' as he kisses me,I kiss back shocked.

I feel Theo jolt back so I open my eyes and see that mattheo had pulled him back, His nose is flared and his eyes full of anger.
"let go of him mattheo!" I yell at him
He looks at Theo
"You think your so fucking funny don't you Nott? " he growls at Theo holding by his shirt, Theo scoffs
" I'm hilarious you know that" he cheekily smiles booping mattheo's nose and I let out a small chuckle. Mattheo finally puts let's go of his shirt pushing him forward also giving Adrian a threatening look and dismisses everyone from theos dorm, there's booing and awe's coming from almost everyone as they exit the dorm, I stay behind.
Blaise is already knocked out snoring in his bed with a red solo cup in hand dangling from it.

"Alittle help would be nice rosier" Mattheo half whispers as he swings one of Theo's arms over his shoulder holding him up, i walk up the the pair of them and Theo smiles up at me weakly with his eyes barely open, I put his other arm around my shoulder attempting to pick him up as much as I can.
"hey Ivy you know you have beautiful hairrr" Theo mumbles slurring his words as he picks up strands of my hair twirling them threw his fingers as we lay him down on his bed.
"Thanks Theo but you have to go to sleep lovely" mattheo and I bring the duvet up to his chest as he snuggles himself in like a child
"Mmmm good night then shoo shoo" he says closing his eyes still smiling as he Dismisses us flicking his wrist.

Mattheo and I walk out laughing making our way to our dorm, once we have arrived he takes his shirt off along with his jeans leaving on just his boxers and I can't help but stare, he glances my way and I quickly look away
"What are you um- doing.." I say my voice a bit shaky
"Going to bed.. don't act like you've never seen me in my underwear rosier" he looks over at me looking at me up and down smirking
as he pulls the jeans off his feet "or imagined it" he winks at me playfully as I throw a pillow at him laughing and he laughs along with me
"Oh shut uppp you cocky bastard!" I say still laughing. I pull my dress over my head hesitantly taking it off in front of him I catch him staring and cover my body up, to my surprise he throws me his shirt to put on I look down at it then back at him.
"Just... put it on" he says scratching the back of his neck, i do as he says. The black shirt ends right above my knee and fits me very baggy but it was comfortable.

We don't end up putting a pillow between us for the night, but we both slept on each side of the bed back turned to each other.

Totally the best day ever..


𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑( 𝐴 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+)Where stories live. Discover now