𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚞𝚖 ♡︎

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                        ( SMUT WARNING ⚠️)

       I've never would have thought I would find as much comfort in Mattheo riddle then I did at this moment, but I do his skin against mine his bare chest pressed against my face his big veiny hands around my waist, I enjoyed the way that his small curl would move out of his face but quickly bounce back every time his breath from his soft snoring would hit his forehead. I watched him a bit before I fell asleep that night... he looked so peaceful and not as indignant as he always is. I fell asleep in his arms that night, probably the best sleep I have ever had in a while.

    The next morning I wake up to an empty bed and no Mattheo in sight, we're is he?
Looking over at the clock I see it's 9:30am and I'm already missing breakfast,

Shit, that fucking prick turned off my alarm.

I begin to get ready and fix myself up putting on my black lace bra, skirt, and sorta button up my shirt half way just cause I was in a rush. I'm brushing my teeth while fixing my Socks almost tripping over the bath-tub and hear as knock at the door, I groan with the toothbrush still in my mouth and toothpaste probably all over my face to the door, as I open it I see Theo who is holding up a bagel and cream cheese with a cup of half empty apple juice in his hand, he looks at me up and down with a shocked expression but quickly looks back at my face.
"Sorry gorgeous, it's just um you missed breakfast and I thought you might be hungry."
He says putting his hands out with the food.
"But I kinda got thirsty on the way up here so I kinda took a few sips of your juice if you don't mind."
He says shyly and I laugh
"Thank you so much Theo I owe you one, you don't have to wait out there come in."
He nods his head and obliges placing the breakfast on a table.
"You've got a bit of tooth paste well- everywhere" he walks up to me brushing his thumb on my cheek cleaning a bit of toothpaste off of it and I smile.
"I know, I'm in a huge rush today because Mattheo Riddle decided to turn off my alarm like the arse he is."
"Yikes" he says and his eyes widen
"Sharing a dorm with Mattheo and only one bed- I've gotta see we're this goes"
He takes the bagel off the table taking a bite out of it.
"Theo!" I say giggling
"Whatt hearing drama makes me hungry"
I role my eyes playfully and finish getting ready, Theo walks me to my first class which is potions, not exited for it but I have this class with Mattheo so I can finally confront him for turning off my alarm and not waking me up.

     I sit next to him with furrowed eye brows and he looks at me with an amused smirk.
"Sleep well?"
"NO! Actually not at all I missed breakfast and almost missed first period because of you!" I yell at him quietly
He just shrugs his shoulders and puts his feet on the desk.
"You arrogant little-,"
But I'm interrupted by professor Snape finally speaking.
"Alright sixth years turn to page 219 we are going to be making a new potion called veritaserum this potion is usually used at the ministry so that suspects may tell the truth and only the truth" Snape states in his monotone voice, from across the room I see the red headed Weasley twins (Fred, and George) exchange wicked smirks to one another.
As he continues to rable on and on about the potion I fell cold hands grip my thigh and I whimper slightly looking down to see Mattheo's hand on my thigh.


"Don't think just because I was drunk I forgot anything from last night Rosier" 
He whispers in my ear and rubs circles into my thigh with his thumb.
"You seem stressed, would you like me to help you relieve some of that?"
He moves his hand slightly under my skirt and my breath quickens, am I really about to let him do this to me in class- I should really slap his hand away and yell at him for trying to touch me in class, but I honestly don't want him to stop it feels really nice right now.
"I'll only do it if you ask me to Ivy." He whispers in a seductive tone, i nod hesitantly
"Use your words." He says in a mocking, cooing voice.
"Y-yes..." fucking hell Ivy shut up why would you say yes, your actually fucking mental.

He puts his hand fully under my skirt and twist my panties between his fingers putting them to the side. He passes his middle finger threw my curtains already feeling that I'm soaking wet, he looks at me with a devilish smirk
Uguh now I really wanna slap him for being so damn cocky.
He takes his finger that he passed threw me and puts it in his mouth sucking on the finger,

Fucking hell that was hot.

He places his finger back in between my curtains and passes his finger threw it and finds my clit

God damn, he actually found it, men are so damn stupid and can't find it but he actually found it-

He begins to rub it and I bite my lip and look at him, I catch him staring at my chest so I un-button the top 4 or 5 buttons my shirt revealing a bit of my chest and thank god that we are in the back. He smirks at the sight and rubs faster, my lips part and eyebrows frown.
"Fuck-." I say shakily I pull his head close to mine and whisper in his ear.
"Meet me in the bathroom on the fourth floor" he looks at me shocked but has a wide smirk on his face.
I get up and ask to go to the bathroom and the professor allows me, a bit later I see Mattheo following behind me.
He quickens his pace and picks me up kissing me aggressively with want and lust, he rushes to the bathroom and begins to undress me.
"I'm a big girl Mattheo I can undress myself." I say smirking and he begins undressing himself . He pulls me in by my waist and kisses my with desire and passion, all that's left on our bodies are our undergarments. He picks me up and sits me ontop of a sink placing my hand on his very oblivious bulge.
"Damn riddle, all hard just for me?" I tease
"Sh Sh Sh shut that pretty mouth of yours and let me fuck you" he responds and unclips my bra with one hand.


He kisses and sucks on my neck and I let out low soft moans as he goes down to my chest and does the same to both of my breast which only makes me moan a bit louder.
"You like that?" he says in a winey tone with a smirk and continues to kiss, suck and grab my bust
No words come out of my mouth but I'm sure if I were to speak the words would sound like moans, all I do is nod and hum 'mhm' but him calling me mommy is the hottest thing I think I've ever heard, I've only had sex once in my life before this which was in fourth year after the Yule ball with Adrian pucey.
He pulls down his boxers reveling his length and my eyes widen he's around 10 or 11 inches Adrien was not even close to being as big as Mattheo. I look at him and he looks down at me
"Don't worry princess I'll be as careful as can with you until I can't take it anymore"he says brushing his thumb along my cheek
"You sure you want this?" He says honestly sounding concerned as if I was hurt, I say that I'm sure and as soon as those words slip off tongue he practically tears my panties off of me and enters my entrance, a squealing moan
Escapes my lips and he lets out a few soft groans and he thrusts into me. As he goes deeper and faster into me I'm already a moaning mess, I dig my nails into his back and swear I drew blood I feel him go faster and harder at the same time and I begin to feel a knot in my stomach warning me that I'm close. He puts his head in my collar and curses the words 'fuck' and 'shit' under his breath I hear him mumble the words
"I'm close" as he grabs onto my waist grinding my hips back and fourth in sink with his thrust
"Me- too-." I manage to say and right after that the knot snaps cand I release. He pulls out and releases on my stomach, he apologizes and grabs some paper from the bathroom wiping the discharge off of my stomach. As my breath begins to steady I give him a quick little kiss and jump off the sink,begging to get ready once again.

Did I really just fuck Mattheo riddle....

AHHH ok so this is my first time writing actual smut I hope you guys enjoyed 😭 ALSO I'm sorry I didn't update earlier I've been super busy with school but I also made a playlist and I added it to the ( Authors not and character description) part so I hope you guys like that 2 anyways BYEEE hope you guys enjoyed ‼️‼️‼️

𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑( 𝐴 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+)Where stories live. Discover now