𝙰𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 ♡︎

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When class finishes I rush out of the room trying my best not to run into Mattheo or Adrian, but as I'm walking out I feel a tug in my arm and feel myself getting spun around into someone chest "we need to talk, now." I hear a low voice say and I sigh looking up,
Great just the person I wanted to run into if you can't tell already.. I'm being very.. VERY sarcastic. He pulls me aside to an empty corridor and I cross my arms looking at him "what do you want riddle?" I say sounding bored which I was I'm done with his bull shit.

"What was that! I wasn't going to make a scene in class but you did, being all googoly eyed with Pucey when I was right there, are you forgetting he's the one who took your virginity and not me~" he says half yelling quickly stopping himself from continuing and lowering his voice by the second, the last part sounding like a whisper. "Listen Mattheo you have made it pretty damn clear you want nothing to do with me and you fucked me for the fun of it I've been trying to keep myself cool and move on from it but your not letting me, yes Adrian was my first time and I was his too believe it or not but neither of us knew what we were doing, we were 14 and drunk out of our minds so grow up." I say already fed up his expression looked like it dropped as he looked at me up and down as if he was sad or some shit.

He pulls me close tucking a pierce of hair behind my hair looking at me in the eyes "just tell me your mine Ivy, tell me please please tell me your mine and only mine" he whispers pleading in my ear as his hand slides down my hips cautiously getting close to my bum, my breath hitches and it was getting hard to breath. I tried so hard to resist him I knew what he was doing, I put my hand on his chest as I push away slightly, bitting my lip and looking away. As I try to breath normally again I look at him in the eyes "you first..." I whisper back sliding my hand down his chest his eyes widen as he looks at me "what-?" He says looking flustered "I said you say it first,truthfully. Or do we have to test out that verituserum?" I say as I watch him take a few steps back in shock

I was now biting my lip probably looking really dumb trying to be seductive to get him to say it " oh come on,say it pretty boy" I say again whispering in his ear, his cheeks were flushed. I don't think I've ever seen Mattheo blush before, that made me feel powerful, I smirk
"I'm..."-he hesitated-"I'm yours...Ivy.." he says scrunching his nose looking disgusted with with him self but then letting out a sigh of relief "good boy" I say playfully trying to annoy him "oh fuck you ivy" he says back playfully and I'm surprised since when is mattheo playful "oh but you have already done that haven't you?" I say just to mess with him as my smirk grows and a very obvious one is plastered on his face as well.

I nudge his shoulder "let's go loser we're gonna be late for our next class, and we don't wanna be late to snapes class do we?" I say sarcastically as he roles his eyes remembering "whoopy!" He says with the same amount of sarcasm maybe alittle more putting his hands up and shaking then bordly and I laugh as we walk threw the hall going to snapes class.


Im honestly proud of our agreement, we both agree that we are each others with no strings attached. I do fear that I will crave more tho.. I don't know, being in a committed relationship with Mattheo Riddle never was on my list, I mean sure look at the guy he's almost perfect, apart from the fact that he's a complete douchebag. I'm almost positive being in a relationship with me is not on his list neither so ima just be happy with what we have for now not exactly friends with benefits but a known person that happens to be in my friend group that I never really got along with and we kinda fucked and it turned into a whatever this is... does that make sense?

OKOK I know I said I would update soon and it's almost been a month since I updated I'm sorry lovely's ima try to write another chapter just incase today, thank you sosososo much for reading we are at 5.72k reads are you kidding 😦 we are also #33 AHHH!!!

𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑( 𝐴 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+)Where stories live. Discover now