𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 ♡︎

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I walk into the great hall and sit down in front of Blaise who has his head down on the table.
"Blaise, you ok mate you look like shit"
I say In almost a giggle.
"You shhhh I don't feel that well" he looks up at me with a fake half smile, I cup his face in my hands and pout my lip playfully.
"Aw poor baby" i say in a joking tone
He smiles with a real smile this time and roles his eyes.
"Oh shut it Ivy, your not funny" he says chuckling softly, i smile and let go of his face, I look over to see pansy, Draco, Theo and Mattheo walk into the great hall and I can't help but smile at the group,
Theo sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder also smiling.
"Oooo what's on the menu todayyyy" he says honestly sounding exited to eat.
"Theo do you ever stop eating" Mattheo chuckles.
"Wut it's practically my life style" he says while laughing we laugh along with him as he is already filling his plate with eggs and sausage.
"You know, I think we have the best looking friend group in the school, I mean look at us. " i say joking and put my arms around Theo and pansy's shoulder who are both sitting next to me.
"Honestly yah, but not the most loved" draco says gesturing to Ron, Hermione, and Harry who are sitting at the Gryffindor table,
But they are also most commonly known as the golden trio.
"So what, at-least we aren't two nerds and a red head" pansy says and everyone agrees.

After breakfast we had went about our classes as we do every year I got a few classes with my friends and most of them with fucking Mattheo Riddle, who hasn't stopped annoying the shit out of me today.
In potions he wouldn't stop throwing Dittany seeds at me and jumped up cheering "goal" when he made it into my shirt, could he be anymore irritating.

When we were all finally done with classes for the day, we had all decided to meet in the slytherin common room.
"There's a party tonight, you coming Rosier?" Draco Malfoy says putting his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him on the couch.
"For sure" I say smiling and leaning into him
I look over at Mr. Mattheo Riddle who is starting at Draco and I with a worried yet mad expression
But I must be imagining,
Why would he look worried for me.
Must be imagining things.
"Anyways ima just start getting ready" I say getting off the couch,
I notice Mattheo has also stood up.
"What ? I need to get ready to" he says

We both walk to our dorm with a good distance and there was not a word said, once we get into the dorm I begin removing my tie.
"Can I shower first?" I ask tho I honestly shouldn't be, it's my dorm to.
"Orrr I can get in with you it would save us more time" he says with a smirk and a small chuckle.
I like this version of Mattheo the one that can joke around with me without being a complete asshole all the time,  maybe sharing a dorm with him won't be so bad.
"Ha ha very funny riddle" I say with a slight giggle throwing my tie at him and he laughs.

I take a quick shower really enjoying the feeling of the steamy hot water on my skin, I walk out of the bathroom with a towel around me and my hair all wet,
"Go shower, I'll get ready while your in there" he nods licking his looks while looking at me up and down and walks into the bathroom, I look at him confused at the faces he made at me as he walks into the bathroom.
I get dressed into a short tight black silk dress with a small slit along the thigh, I feel the need to pull it up but down at the same time but I give up and start doing my hair, I brush i damp raven hair slightly and let it air dew into slight waves, for makeup I only apply a bit of mascara, highlighter, and eyeliner with a bit of matte dark red lipstick, I finish it off with my almond toe black pumps.
I look at myself in the mirror and smile at the results as I finish I see mattheo get out of the bathroom with his hair wet laying over his forehead and a towel wrapped right bellow his v-line.
Fuckkking hell he looks...


As he looks at me his eyes widen and I hear him gulp.
"You um...cleaned up nicely" he says stuttering his words slightly.
"Gee thanks riddle you really know how to swoon the ladies" I say sarcastically with a chuckle, he rolls his eyes.
"Your lucky I even have you a compliment Rosier"
"Yah yah sure"
I walk out the door into the party so that Mattheo could get dressed, my eye quickly meets Theo's who is by the bar.
"IVYYY! Heyyyyyy how are you my favorite ladyyy" Theo says slurring his words and booping  my nose
"Yourrrrr very drunk Theo" I say
"Pft nooo I don't even know what your talking about come onnnn drink with me" he says still slurring his words and holding a drink in the air, I shake my head playfully and grab something to drink.

After a few drinks I can already feel myself become intoxicated, everyone's dancing and talking of course having fun.
Out of the corner of my eye I see the one and only Mattheo Riddle dancing with the sluttiest bitch in the school,
Astoria greengrass.
I don't know why watching her dance with him and rub herself up on him is making me so mad but it is, it's pissing me the fuck off when it shouldn't. I just want to grab her by her hair and bash her head against the wooden table only inches away from her I wanna watch her head bleed onto the white marble floor.
Fucking hell what am I even saying, but I really want to see if he would react the same if I did the same with somone else....

"Hey malfoy wanna dance"I ask with a smirk, he smirks back and responds with
"I would be delighted to Ms.Rosier"
I smile and take his his hand and walk toward we're everyone is dancing, I stand next to Mattheo and his eyes dart to me and Draco.
I give him a quick smirk and place Dracos hands in my hips and start to rub my arse around his crotch area, he pulls me closer to him and I bite my lip looking back at him and he's looking at me with a leer look on his face at the corner of my eye I can see mattheos jaw clench and he balls his fists to the point we're his knuckles are white. To put the cherry ontop of his what looks like anger I kiss Malfoy.
But when I look over to see Mattheos expression he is gone...

  I don't know what you guys think but I love this chapter so much thank you Fredw3asleywh0re
for the idea <3 also I know some of you aren't going to agree with the whole Draco thing but it's just to add drama, thank you for all the reads my loves let's try to get to 1k reads ❤️

𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑( 𝐴 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+)Where stories live. Discover now