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Mattheo Riddle: 

    I wanted her to say that she was mine, I don't know why I worried I might loose her to that prick Pucey. Maybe its the fact that she lost her innocence to him tho I so desired for her to loose it to me, obviously I would never tell her that. I think I've wanted her ever since I was 13, yah I know disgusting thoughts that a thirteen year old kid shouldn't be thinking of but I did and it was always her. I would watch her every move so that no harm would come her way, no harm will ever come her way. I wanna tell her I love her but I'm not really sure what love is, every time I see her I feel like throwing up and my heart feels like it's doing backflips in my chest, but how am I supposed to tell her that?

Guys... it's been 2 years I'm not one of those writers who has a crazy story in why they stopped writhing I just lost motivation but I don't even know how to go along with this series if I come up with more ideas I'll post it, thank you to all my loyal readers ( also realizing all this shit I wrote is so cringe now😰)🩷🩷🩷

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