𝙺𝚎𝚢 ♡︎

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     I look at him in disgust and scoff, his eyes meet mine and he pushes out of Snapes grasp.
I begin to walk hastily back to my dorm, well our dorm I'll have to ask dumbledoor to change me. He almost runs trying to walk at my pace as I walk quickly into the dorm closing and locking the door behind me, I hear a loud knock on the door along with a yell.
"Jesús Rosier don't be so fucking stubborn open the damn door."
I can hear the heavy thuds of his fist colliding with the door repeat and repeat over and over again.

I hear a click and the door opens and I see an angry Mattheo leaning against the door frame.
I see a smirk form on his face and he slowly walks over to we're in sitting at the edge of the bed.
"Your not a very smart one are you?" He lifts my chin up so that I look at him and I can feel my breathing quicken.
"You forgot one tiny little detail" he pushes my chin up a bit more, my mouth gaps slightly as he passes his thumb over my lips and bends down and whispering in my ear
"We still have the same dorm"
From his free hand he dangles his room key from his fingers.

He shakes his head clicking his tongue at me shaking his finger  at me.
"Leave me alone Mattheo" i swallow the saliva that's forms in my mouth
"What Ivy, scared?"
He laughs to himself, is he actually going fucking insane?
"What the fuck is wrong with you riddle, your fucking insane!?"
He scratches the back of his neck biting his lip as a weak attempt to hide his smirk
"Maybe alittle, but aren't we all?"
He puts his hand on my cheek and I move away from his touch
"What the fuck is your problem, you give me a so called 'love confession' and then now you act like you want nothing to do with me." I finally speak up, his expression drops and he seems a bit nervous
"I'll see you at the party Rosier"
He gulps walking out of the door
Shit I forgot all about theos little party in his dorm he had planned.
It wasn't going to be a lot of people but just a few friends and shit.
It's just an excuse to smoke and drink with people.

I get up from the bed and take a quick shower I didnt wanna get dressed to fancy because I mean it's fucking theos dorm so I got dressed in a short black dress, I put on some white ruffle socks and my marry janes:
(Dress example)

 For my hair I just got a ribbon to tie my hair in a loose low ponytail, my mother had always told me to use ribbon instead of hair ties because it was more healthy for my hair because it wouldn't rip it, I guess I have gotten used to it because t...

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For my hair I just got a ribbon to tie my hair in a loose low ponytail, my mother had always told me to use ribbon instead of hair ties because it was more healthy for my hair because it wouldn't rip it, I guess I have gotten used to it because that's all I have ever used to tie my hair.
I sigh walking out the door to Theos 

The smell of cigarettes and weed hit my nose and I get closer to his room,  I open the door and the song "sexy drug" by falling in reverse is blasting from the speakers, I take my fist step in and a red solo cup full of some sort of liquor has already been placed in my hand. I look around for my friends and the first one i see is blaise, I push threw a few people to see Blaise sitting on the edge of his bed talking to some quitich boy. He looks at me with a smile as I stand infront of him.
"Rosier! You look gorgeous as always"
I smile back at him
"Well thank you blaise, and you look handsome today" I say giving him a quick complement back, I tag a quick swig of the drink that is in my cup and make a sour face, it smelled sweet almost like a jolly rancher and it was sweet but very sour and strong.
Blaise laughs at my facial expression
"Green apple punch, theos experimenting with muggle alcohol, not bad tho right?"
I shrug and sit next to him
"Where is Theo by the way?" He points to a white plastic table Theo set up to mix drinks and that's exactly what he's doing behind the table.

I walk over to him as he's taking the big gulps of what ever he was drinking, he looks over at me and opens his arms pulling some of the drink and some girl.
"Whoops sorry sweet heart" he slurs giving her a drunk wink.
"IVY!! You look stunning love!" Theo beams
And hugs me. He smells like straight liquor and is obviously drunk but he's probably his funniest when he's drunk.
"Theo lay off the drinks for me would you?" I joke but still hoping he dosnt drink to the point we're he's passed out.
He puts his index finger over my lips shushing me,
"You shhhhh, I'm fine your fine everyone's fine we're all fine" I laugh a bit with him before we hear someone yell

See I promised I would update soon and I will be updating soon again with truth or dare so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and again thank you so so so much for reading it means a lot ‼️

𝐵𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑( 𝐴 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+)Where stories live. Discover now