𝙰 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 ? ♡︎

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        The next day Mattheo's  already gone.
But I'm not sure what I was expecting when he's never here in the mornings.
I get up brushing my teeth and washing my face, making the bed and getting dressed in the usual uniform attire white button up black skirt and tie, but instead of my robe I decided just to wear my Slytherin cardigan.
I put on light makeup and put on some cherry lip tint that left my lips a soft pinkish red color, I put lipgloss over it and looked at myself in the mirror fixing my tie a bit decided to wear my marry janes again with another pair of ruffled white socks I looked decent, I wasn't sure why I felt like dressing myself up a bit today but at least I took time to dress myself.

Walking out of the door I run into Theo who shushes me before I can even speak.
"No talking, my head is pounding" he groans, I laugh a bit and hug him. He hugs back pulling me close and kissing the top of my head.
"Let's go get some breakfast I know that'll make you feel better" I say softly looking up at him a bit, theos gotten so much taller since the last time I've seen him, he practically towers over me now.
As we are walking down to the great hall I decide not to mention the things drunken Theo did last night, I'll just talk to him later once he feels better.
After breakfast, we all headed to our first class of the day.. charms..
Pansy follows behind Theo and I along with Blaise, Mattheo and Draco are having there own conversations all the way in the back but it didn't concern me. 
But he hasn't looked at me today... not once..

I sit between Blaise and  Theo as I open the our book flipping threw the pages trying to find the one professor flitwick has instructed on the board. In the corner of my eye I see someone walking up to me and I look up to see
Adrian pucey...
I smile at him nervous that he's gonna bring up something about the party, I take a quick glance to the side and see mattheo looking between the pair of us mostly glaring at Adrian, but I tried to keep my eyes on Adrian as I begin to speak.
"Oh uh hey Adrian, what's up?" I try my best to keep my fake smile on as he starts
"Hey Ivy erm I was wondering... if it's ok it's fine if you say no but.." I hear Theo groan in annoyance
"We'll get on with it Pucey spit it out." Theo says leaning forward listening to our conversation looking at Adrian up and down

Nosey bastard.

A slight chuckle comes out as I look at Theo trying to focus my attention to Adrian again.
"Sorry about him Adrian, go on." I look at him giving him a reassuring smile as I kick Theo from under the table.
"AH- Ivy!" Theo half yells
"Well I was just wondering if you wanna hang out later? At the black lake maybe?" Adrian finally spits out.
I'm not sure what to say, I wasn't expecting him to say any of that. If I'm being totally honest I was just expecting him to tell me that the kiss was just for truth or dare and he wasn't going to expect anything more out of it for which I would agree, to me it was a kiss that meant nothing. Just a truth or dare.
Theo scoffs with his mouth gapped
" like a date? Your planning on going on a date with our baby Ivy" Theo says playfully as he clings onto me like a child.
Theo has always been like the brother type to me, he's always protective with me over guys. And honestly my mom has been planning my wedding to Theo since we were eleven since we were always very close.
I roll my eyes at Theo and decide to finally respond
"Adrian I would love-." But I get cut off.

"Woops a bit to late for that pucey she's already with someone" I look next to Adrian and see the curly haired boy Mattheo Standing right behind Adrian, i glare at him
"Oh really riddle? And who might I be going out with hm?" I cross my arms still glaring at him as a wide smirk appears on his face
"Well me of course, have you forgotten your mine rosier?" Mattheo says as he lifts an eyebrow still smirking, he leans forward putting both hands on the table in front of me, I look at Adrian who has already stepped back standing awkwardly in front of us, I groan getting annoying getting up and pulling Mattheo to the side.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, you can't just come and claim me when a guy who looks like he actually likes me comes and askes me on a date Mattheo!" I yell at him and he laughs
Why the fuck is he laughing!
I get annoyed with his lack of respect and let go of his wrist
"You know what riddle, fuck you." I begin to walk back to my seat as I feel someone grab my wrist, he twirls me around looking down at me as he's now bitting his lip while looking at me
"Alright alright calm down rosier no need get ur panties twist, it was just some banter" he moves his hand from my wrist to my waist with his free hand he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and I move away from his touch, i scoff at him
"Your such a fucking twat Mattheo" I say crossing my arms again as I walk back to my seat, when I get there.. Adrian is gone. 

Contemplating if I wanna write another chapter today 🙀 also told you I would update soon ;) also should Ivy go on a date with Adrian just to get back at mattheo ? 🤨 let me know !! <3 (also might change the cover so I'm sorry if it looks different)

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