it was all fake/just a dream..

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It was like around 6 PM it felt like a friday and I was still asleep I must've been in a very deep sleep because I didnt wake up at all


I heard someone yell my name and trying to wake me up . "Y/N. Y/N. WAKE UP PLEASE." I heard Olivia say. I opened my eyes slowly and then saw olivia crying and saw the whole friend group of ours with a scared and sad look . "Y/N. YOURE AWAKE. THANK GOD ." She said while crying and hugging me. "What happened why is everyone here? Is there like some type of party or??" I say confused. "Y/N YOURE AWAKE. " I heard Julia say . "Okay what is going on. I'm so confused " I say. "You wouldnt wake up and i thought you were just asleep but then you wouldnt wake up , so I let you sleep but you didnt wake up for a whole day. And then when I came to check on you yesterday you were crying and moving around like crazy.. so I called everyone to help me wake you up but you wouldnt wake up and we all thought you were dead or in a coma because you didnt wake up at all AND now you barely woke up . You have been sleeping for a whole day I was so worried." Olivia said. "Wait what..?" I said. I then checked my wrists . no bandage. no c^ts. I then went to Teds profile . No photo of us. I checked messages in our friend group gc. No arguments. Was I just dreaming all of this..? . "Y/n are you okay?" Said Emily while she had tears in her eyes. "Um yeah I'm good , I feel better actually I dont feel sick no more :]" I said with a smile on my face. "I'm so glad you're okay <3" said kiana while hugging me. Sadie then came up to me and hugged me so tight while she was crying. "Hey sadis " I say while hugging her. "I'm so happy you woke up I was so worried I would lose my favorite person you're SO important to me and you're so special to me I domt want to lose you ." She said. "You wont lose me I promise you that :)" I say .

I then got up and changed then we all went to the beach around 7 PM to watch the sunset .

Olivias POV:

I am so happy y/n woke up I cant imagine what it would be like without her. I cant lose her . I wont let that happen shes gonna stay with me <3.

The sunset looked so pretty but not as pretty and my gorgeous girl y/n:).

"Hey y/n?" I said . "Yeah?" She said "dont leave me please.." I said . "...I would never leave you !! You're like the love of my life. You're the only person I love and wanna be with. I love you so much , and me myself dont wanna lose you as well." She said. I then smiled at her and kissed her . We made out for a few minutes.

I love her. Ima marry her someday <3

you and me always forever &lt;3 Y/n And Olivia &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now